InfoGard Laboratories Is Accredited to Be the First EMVCo U.S. Laboratory for Terminal Type Testing
San Luis Obispo, CA (PRWEB) July 27, 2015 -- InfoGard is now accredited by EMVCo to conduct Terminal Type Testing and will immediately begin offering Level 2 contact testing and pre-evaluation services. EMV pre-evaluation services include debug testing and compliance consulting. Additional EMVCo testing services are being planned to support our payment customers.
To address the EMV liability shift mandate in October, InfoGard recognized the need for domestic EMV Terminal Type Approval testing service to support our PCI PTS Terminal customers. In addition, InfoGard also provides security testing services to mobile device manufacturers, whose devices can be used to perform EMV transactions. Our accreditation marks another important milestone for InfoGard as the only U.S. laboratory approved to conduct PCI PTS and EMV Terminal Type Testing.
Doug Biggs, Chief Technology Officer at InfoGard Laboratories, said of the accreditation: “InfoGard is excited to be able to offer our EMV testing services to our PCI PTS terminal and mobile device customers.”
EMVCo website listing -
About InfoGard
InfoGard was the first private IT Security laboratory approved by VISA and PCI to conduct payment device security testing services. InfoGard conducts Payment Transaction Security (PTS), Hardware Security Module (HSM) and Approved Scanning Vendor Validation (ASVV) testing under the PCI scheme.
“EMVCo accreditation does not under any circumstances include any endorsement or warranty regarding the functionality, quality or performance of any particular product or service. EMVCo does not warrant any products or services provided by third parties. EMVCo accreditation does not under any circumstances include or imply any product warranties from EMVCo, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for purpose, or non-infringement, all of which are expressly disclaimed by EMVCo. All rights and remedies regarding products and services which have received EMVCo accreditation shall be provided by the party providing such products or services, and not by EMVCo.”
Steve Wilson, InfoGard Laboratories, Inc.,, +1 8057830810, [email protected]
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