Ingo Money and Global Cash Card Partner to Deliver Mobile Check Cashing Services to Paycard Customers
Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) July 01, 2015 -- Ingo™ Money, Inc., a leader in mobile check cashing and digital payments technologies, and Global Cash Card™, a specialist in customized paycard solutions, announced today that they have partnered to provide the Ingo Money mobile check cashing service to Global Cash Card customers. With the Ingo Money service, Global Cash Card is extending the utility of its paycard programs to enable cardholders to cash checks to their paycard accounts with their mobile device and access their money in minutes for a fee or in 10 days at no additional charge.
Paycards help employers reduce payroll processing expense and provide an important financial tool to their employees. Especially important for employees who do not own a bank account and are unable to enroll in direct deposit, paycard customers receive consistent and reliable electronic access to their wages and can use their card to make payments and purchases or withdraw cash at an ATM.
Global Cash Card offers a wider array of financial services and benefits to their cardholders than most paycard programs. Through its partnership with Ingo Money, Global Cash Card now offers its eligible cardholders a method for cashing checks they receive from non-employer sources directly to their paycard account so they can access consolidated funds to pay their bills and make purchases. To cash checks to their paycard, cardholders:
• Download the Ingo Money App on their mobile device and enroll their Global Cash Card paycard
• Take a picture of the front and back of their endorsed check and submit it to Ingo Money for approval
• Choose to pay a small percentage of the total check value, if their check is approved, to receive funds on their paycard in minutes, or alternatively, choose to receive funds from approved checks in 10 days at no charge
“As a best-in-class paycard provider, Global Cash Card is very proud of the service we deliver to our clients and their employees,” said Joseph Purcell, co-founder and COO, Global Cash Card. “Ingo Money mobile check cashing further enhances the utility of our paycard products and extends financial access for our cardholders. We are very pleased to partner with Ingo Money to bring this new paycard service to our clients and customers.”
The Ingo Money mobile check cashing service, enabled by Ingo Money and provided to the consumer by a national bank, accepts checks ranging in value from $5 to $2,500 across most check types including payroll and government checks, two-party personal checks and a wide variety of institutional and specialized check types: money orders, cashier’s checks, handwritten payroll checks, insurance checks, rebate checks and others.
Leveraging sophisticated risk decisioning algorithms and underwriting processes, Ingo Money reviews checks for risk management and guarantee, and a national bank cashes approved checks and credits funds to the customer’s account. Once a card is funded, the money is as good as cash and safe to spend, pay bills or transfer to others without the risk of reversal. If checks fail to clear or are returned after funds are credited to a paycard account, the loss is borne by Ingo Money, protecting Global Cash Card and its issuing banks, employer clients, and cardholders from any risk or obligation on returned checks.
“Global Cash Card empowers hundreds of thousands of hard-working Americans with real-time access to their money from all sources so they can better meet their financial obligations,” said Drew Edwards, founder and CEO, Ingo Money. “I am very honored to be partnered with Global Cash Card in a shared mission to help improve the financial health of paycard customers and lift them out of the cash economy.”
Under the terms of service provided by First Century Bank, N.A. and Ingo Money, Inc., any identity-verified consumer in the United States with an eligible Global Cash Card account and a smartphone may use the Ingo Money App to cash checks.
About Ingo Money
Ingo Money, Inc. is a leading digital payments company focused on expanding and accelerating the flow of funds between monetary instruments to provide immediate, guaranteed funding and payment services that fuel consumer adoption of new and existing digital payment platforms.
Ingo Money owns and operates two lines of business. Ingo™ Network Solutions, operated in conjunction with First Century Bank, N.A., is a consumer-direct network accessible via mobile and retail channels. Ingo™ Enterprise Solutions is an omni-channel commercial platform that enables independently licensed financial services firms to deliver immediate, non-provisional funding and payment services to their customers.
About Global Cash Card
Global Cash Card™ is the proven specialist in customized paycard solutions that are simple to implement and easy to use. Headquartered in Irvine, CA, Global Cash Card is a direct processor that offers a 100% paperless solution through Visa Prepaid and Debit MasterCard card programs. The company develops and owns the proprietary software, which enables the products and services it offers.
The cutting-edge platform provides a multi-channel solution including payroll, travel, gift, branded, and customized programs. Global Cash Card’s innovative technology continues to improve, offering more value and greater flexibility to meet the particular requirements of its customers. Visit us at
Lisa McFarland, Ingo Money, Inc.,, +1 678-736-7012, [email protected]
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