Innovation in Health and Beauty Packaging, 2013 - A review of recent trends, drivers and issues in global Health and Beauty packaging
London (PRWEB) October 23, 2013 -- Product Synopsis
-“Innovation in Health and Beauty Packaging, 2013”is a detailed analysis of and insight into recent packaging innovations in the global health and beauty market related to key trends, drivers, and issues.
-The report is a result of extensive research to provide a comprehensive understanding of the global health and beauty market and packaging consumption; this clearly establishes market trends, packaging dynamics, and areas of future growth.
Introduction and Landscape
Why was the report written?
The constantly changing nature of consumers' and converters packaging demand makes it difficult to understand exactly which packaging containers and formats will be the focus of future growth. This report clarifies and quantifies future demand patterns and the types of innovations best placed to exploit them, so packaging manufactures and suppliers can plan for the future in confidence.
What is the current market landscape and what is changing?
As consumer product demand evolves, the dynamics between different packaging types also evolves - favoring some packaging types and formats and leaving others increasingly out of line with demand patterns. As a result, understanding the shifting market dynamics is key to ensuring maximum sales in the future.
What are the key drivers behind recent market changes?
Packaging suppliers need to react to the changing demands of customers, consumers and regulation in order to plan for the future. But it's not all cost reduction and light weighting. Packaging needs to adapt to a more complex picture of how consumption needs vary by product category and it's positioning. More specific product positioning by finished goods manufacturers and retailers in many cases means more specifically tailored packaging - creating opportunities for the industry.
What makes this report unique and essential to read?
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the health and beauty packaging landscape, including a mix of health and beauty market data related to recent and future packaging innovations, which are identified across rigid plastics, flexible packaging, paper and board, rigid metal, glass, and closures, labels and adhesives, along with results of a survey of leading players in the packaging industry.
Key Features and Benefits
Detailed coverage of key packaging innovations in the global health and beauty market, such as plastic bottles that keep products that need to be mixed separated until the point of use for improved efficacy. Pack materials and components covered include rigid plastics, flexible plastics, paper and board, rigid metal, glass, closures, labels and adhesives.
Packaging innovations are related to the key drivers of consumer demand (such as ease of use with Ready to Kiss lipstick from Rexam Personal Care with its single handed use), cost savings (such as weight reduction by Toppan, replacing rigid plastic blister packs with paper and board plus a film), sustainability (such as Yonwoo's Airless Paper Blow), and logistics efficiency (such as Plasticum's Clube with simplified production methods).
Key drivers are related to trends in the global health and beauty market such as a requirement for reduced prices without a loss of perceived quality, like Natura's refill packs that snap into the Chronos bottomless pot.
Key Market Issues
Consumers still expect their health and beauty packaging to look good; however, premium packaging must now be achieved with little or no additional cost.
As social media reduces privacy consumers are becoming increasingly image conscious. This has led to a demand for personal care products with instant and heightened efficacy; packaging that can maintain product integrity is therefore in demand.
Convenience has been a major innovation driver in the Rigid Plastics packaging sector, with a focus on portability, such as through the introduction of flat packaging suitable for the jeans pocket and single handed operation for application “on the go”.
Increased consumer environmental awareness and packaging regulations are pushing the use of plant based sources for flexible packaging materials, primarily sugar cane.
Key Highlights
Skincare and haircare are the most valuable global health and beauty markets and they still maintain good levels of growth. Packaging companies need to be active in these markets.
Asia has experienced buoyant growth over the last 5 years; this, combined with a rise in disposable income, increasing concerns over issues such as pollution, over-crowding, and poor sanitation systems, and greater attempts to reduce the spread of disease have led to an increase in spending on hygiene and personal care products across the region.
Although suncare will remain the smallest sector within the overall Health and Beauty market, it is forecast to grow the fastest through to 2017, as consumers show greater awareness and increased concern about the negative effects of the sun in terms of cancer and aging.
Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary
2 Mega Trends in Health and Beauty and Packaging Markets
2.1 Mega-trends and Drivers in Health and Beauty and its Packaging
2.1.1 Consumers are increasingly image-conscious
2.1.2 Consumers want “natural” products
2.1.3 Consumers have a more holistic concept of beauty
2.1.4 Concern over the signs of aging grows, even as societies get older
2.1.5 Busy consumers want easy-to-use, convenient products
2.1.6 Consumers still believe private label products aren't as effective as brands
2.1.7 Consumers in emerging economies have intensified hygiene concerns
2.1.8 The growing male grooming market
2.1.9 Aging populations will drive Health and Beauty and packaging innovation
2.1.10 Consumption in emerging economies will be driven by a young middle class
2.2 Health and Beauty Packaging Trends
2.2.1 Pressure on pricing is driving demand for cost savings in Packaging
2.2.2 Packaging is being designed around “Renew, Reuse, Recycle”
2.2.3 Consumer Convenience and Functionality
3 Key Trends in the Global Health and Beauty Market
3.1 Health and Beauty Market Value Dynamics
3.1.1 Skincare and Haircare will drive Health and Beauty markets globally
3.1.2 Asia is the largest Health and Beauty market in the world
3.1.3 The US is the most valuable Health and Beauty market in the world
3.2 Health and Beauty Packaging Market Volume Dynamics
3.2.1 Flexible Packaging is the most widely used Primary Pack Material
3.2.2 Paper and Board is the most commonly used outer material
3.2.3 Bags/Sachets are the most common Primary Package Type
3.2.4 Boxes are the most popular Outer Type
3.2.5 Flip/Snap Tops are the most widely used closure type
4 Overview of Innovations in Packaging
4.1 Innovation Drivers
4.1.1 Consumer Demands
4.1.2 Cost Reduction
4.1.3 Legislation
4.1.4 Sustainability
4.1.5 Logistics Efficiency
5 Innovations in Rigid Plastic Packaging
5.1 Consumer Requirements
5.1.1 Visual Impact
5.1.2 Product Visibility
5.1.3 On the go
5.1.4 Ease of Use
5.1.5 Improved Performance
5.1.6 Product Integrity
5.1.7 Safety
5.2 Cost Savings
5.2.1 Combining Packages
5.2.2 Lightweighting
5.3 Logistics Efficiency
5.3.1 Simpler Processes
5.3.2 Single Supplier
5.4 Sustainability
5.4.1 Recycled Content
5.4.2 Renewable Materials
5.4.3 Recyclable
6 Innovations in Flexible Packaging
6.1 Consumer Requirements
6.1.1 On the go
6.1.2 Ease of use
6.1.3 Convenience
6.1.4 Product Integrity
6.2 Cost Savings
6.2.1 Lightweighting
6.3 Logistics Efficiency
6.3.1 Simpler Processes
6.4 Sustainability
6.4.1 Renewable Materials
7 Innovations in Paper and Board Packaging
7.1 Customer Requirements
7.1.1 Shelf Appeal
7.2 Cost Savings
7.2.1 Lightweighting
7.3 Sustainability
7.3.1 Recyclable
7.3.2 Reduced Carbon Footprint
8 Innovations in Metal Packaging
9 Innovations in Glass Packaging
9.1 Consumer Requirements
9.1.1 Visual Appeal
9.1.2 Improved Performance
10 Innovations in Closures, Seals and Adhesives
10.1 Consumer Requirements
10.1.1 Visual Appeal
10.1.2 Improved Product Performance
10.1.3 Convenience
10.1.4 Product Integrity
10.1.5 Pack Performance
10.2 Cost Savings
10.2.1 Simpler Construction
10.3 Logistics Efficiency
10.3.1 Improved Processing
10.3.2 Simpler Processing
11 Innovations in Labeling
11.1 Cost savings through cheaper materials
12 Future Innovation
12.1 Packaging Survey - Overview
12.2 Packaging Survey - Drivers in Consumer Choice
12.3 Packaging Survey - Future Outlook
12.3.1 Areas of Growth Potential
12.3.2 Drivers of Future Innovation
12.3.3 Drivers in Innovation in Closures
12.3.4 Innovation by Pack Material
12.3.5 Innovation by Packaging Type
12.3.6 Innovation in New and Existing Products
12.3.7 Premium or Cost Effective Future?
13 Appendix
13.1 Product Definitions
13.2 Packaging Definitions
13.2.1 Primary Packaging
13.2.2 Outer Packaging
13.2.3 Closures
13.3 About Canadean
13.4 Disclaimer
List of Tables
Table 1: Summary of Health and Beauty Packaging Innovations
Table 2: Survey Question “How important do you think the following factors have been in influencing consumers' product choices for Health and Beauty over the past 2 years?”
Table 3: Growth in Global Health and Beauty Sectors (%), 2007-2017
Table 4: Global Consumption of Health and Beauty Products by Region (US$ million), 2007-2017
Table 5: Global Health and Beauty Market Value by Country (US$ million), 2007-2017
Table 6: Global Health and Beauty Market by Primary Packaging Material (Million Units) 2007-2012
Table 7: Global Health and Beauty Market Volume by Outer Packaging Material (Million Units) CAGR 2007-2012, CAGR 2012-2017
Table 8: Global Health and Beauty Market Volume by Primary Packaging Type (Million Units) CAGR 2007-2012, CAGR 2012-2017
Table 9: Global Health and Beauty Market Volume by Outer Packaging Type (Million Units) CAGR 2007-2012, CAGR 2012-2017
Table 10: Global Health and Beauty Market Volume by Packaging Closure Type (Million Units) CAGR 2007-2012, CAGR 2012-2017
Table 11: Survey Question “How well do the packaging materials listed below, meet the following sustainability benefits for Health and Beauty packaging?”
Table 12: Survey Question “How important do you think the following factors have been in influencing consumers' product choices for Health and Beauty over the past 2 years?”
Table 13: Survey question “Which Health and Beauty Sectors offer the most potential for targeting with new product innovations over the next 3 years?”
Table 14: Survey Question “Please rate how important you feel that each of the following factors will be driving innovation in Health and Beauty?”
Table 15: Survey Question “How important will each of the following factors be in driving innovation in Health and Beauty closures over the next 3 years?”
Table 16: Survey Question “How important will each of the following packaging materials be in driving Health andBeauty packaging innovation over the next 3 years?”
Table 17: Survey Question “How important will each of the following pack types be in driving Health and Beauty packaging innovation over the next 3 years?”
Table 18: Survey Question “How important are new and existing products in driving packaging innovation in the Health and Beauty market?”
Table 19: Survey Question “Over the next 3 years, do you feel that Health and Beauty packaging innovations will be focused on cost effectiveness or creating a premium quality image in the following sectors?”
Table 20: Health and Beauty Sector and Category Definitions
Table 21: Primary Materials
Table 22: Primary Types
Table 23: Outer Materials
Table 24: Primary Outer Types
Table 25: Closure Materials
Table 26: Closure Types
List of Figures
Figure 1: Factors Influencing Consumer Choice for Health and Beauty Goods in Past Two Years
Figure 2: Growth in Global Health and Beauty Sectors (%), 2007-2017
Figure 3: Global Consumption of Health and Beauty Products by Region (US$ million), 2007-2017
Figure 4: Global Health and Beauty Market Value by Country (US$ million), 2007-2017
Figure 5: Global Health and Beauty Market Primary Packaging by Packaging Type (Million Units) 2007-2017
Figure 6: Global Health and Beauty Market Primary Packaging by Packaging Material (Million Units), 2012-2017
Figure 7: Global Health and Beauty Packaging Volume by Outer Pack Material (Million Units) 2007-2017
Figure 8: Global Health and Beauty Volume by Outer Pack Material (Million Units) 2012-2017
Figure 9: Global Health and Beauty Packaging Volume by Primary Pack Type (Million Units) 2007-2017
Figure 10: Global Health and Beauty Volume by Primary Pack Type (Million Units) 2012-2017
Figure 11: Global Health and Beauty Packaging Market Volume by Outer Packaging Type (Million Units) 2007-2017
Figure 12: Global Health and Beauty Packaging Market Volume by Outer Packaging Type (Million Units) 2012-2017
Figure 13: Global Health and Beauty Packaging Market Volume by Packaging Closure Type (Million Units) 2007-2017
Figure 14: Global Health and Beauty Market Volume by Packaging Closure Type (Million Units) 2007-2017
Figure 15: Benefits of Health and Beauty Packaging Materials 2013
Figure 16: New pack shapes in Health and Beauty
Figure 17: Creating a premium look using over-molding and a translucent container
Figure 18: New clear opening systems
Figure 19: Rigid Plastic packs designed for travel
Figure 20: Rigid Plastic packs are being designed for easy opening and easy application
Figure 21: Airtight and leak-proof Rigid Plastic packs are being developed
Figure 22: Rigid Plastic packs combine both high barrier protection and formula protection
Figure 23: Rigid Plastic packs are being manufactured without BPA
Figure 24: Two-in-one packs provide cost savings
Figure 25: Rigid Packs continue to offer light weighting opportunities
Figure 26: More efficient filling methods are being developed
Figure 27: Consolidating to a single supplier can improve logistics efficiency
Figure 28: Recycled plastics are being increasingly used
Figure 29: The use of sugar cane as the raw material for Rigid Plastic packs is growing
Figure 30: Fewer types of plastics means increased recyclability
Figure 31: Small packs are needed for on-the-go consumers
Figure 32: Flexible Packaging is being developed with better-controlled dosing
Figure 33: Packaging manufacturers are developing easier to pour packaging
Figure 34: Improving product integrity continues to be a key area of innovation in Flexible Packaging
Figure 35: Flexible Packaging offers key light weighting opportunities
Figure 36: Simplified production methods, such as those used in Plasticum Group's CLUBE, lower equipment and energy costs
Figure 37: Plant-based Flexible Packaging is being developed
Figure 38: Innovative Paper and Board packs can maximize shelf appeal
Figure 39: Paper and Board with film is being used to replace blister packs
Figure 40: Recyclable, Paper and Board version of the popular airless pack
Figure 41: Paper and Board continues to establish itself as the “greenest” material
Figure 42: Metal goes lightweight
Figure 43: Glass is still an important material for premium pack types
Figure 44: Demand for airless glass packaging is driving innovation
Figure 45: Caps and pumps are key to providing visual appeal on Health and Beauty products
Figure 46: Closures are a key way to improve product performance for fragrances
Figure 47: Innovative closures are improving dispensing
Figure 48: More effective and efficient closures provide convenience to consumers
Figure 49: Health and Beauty product manufacturers are also using packaging to improve product application
Figure 50: Product integrity is key as consumers seek to maximize the number of uses from each pack
Figure 51: Preventing damage from leaks is a key area in closure innovation
Figure 52: Cost reductions are being made through closures manufactured using only one material
Figure 53: Coster is improving closure seals for Health and Beauty bottles
Figure 54: One-piece closures allow for costs savings through simpler processing
Figure 55: Cheaper alternatives to metallization are being developed
Figure 56: Factors Influencing Consumer Choice for Health and Beauty Goods in Past Two Years
Figure 57: Key Health and Beauty Sectors to Target for Innovation in Next Three Years
Figure 58: Factors Influencing Innovation in Health and Beauty Packaging Over Next Three Years
Figure 59: Key Factors Driving Innovation in Closures Over Next Three Years
Figure 60: Packaging Materials and Innovation Over the Next Three Years
Figure 61: Innovation by Health and Beauty Pack Type in Next Three Years
Figure 62: Importance of New and Existing Products in Packaging Innovation in Health and Beauty Market
Figure 63: Packaging Innovation Focus on Cost Effective Versus Premium Over Next Three Years
Companies Mentioned
Albea, Alcan, Ampac, Aptar Home + Beauty, Aquagirl Cosmetics, Arminakand Associates, Ball, Bioplan-Socoplan, Borealis, Calvin Klein, Cardia, Dr Wild, Coster, Creative Packaging Lab, Cristian Lay, DuPont Surlyn, Ecocare, Eden, Gaplast, Global One-Pak, Institut Arnaud, Interparfum, L'Occitane, L'Oreal, Louvrette, Lumson, Marks and Spencer, Mariannaud, Mega Airless, MegaPlast, Merz Pharmaceuticals, Metsa Board, Natura, Neopac, Nina Ricci, O'Berk, Plasticum, Procter and Gamble, Promens, Quadpack, Rexam Personal Care, RPC, Sealed Air, Spectra Packaging, Toly, Vosene, Yonwoo.
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For more information:
Sarah Smith
Research Advisor at
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 208 816 85 48
Sarah Smith, Research Advisor at, +44 208 816 85 48, [email protected]
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