Introducing Bring Your Own License (BYOL) from Local Race Catcher™ Workstation and Agents to AWS VMs, and 4 modes of ARM-CM to view your applications results reliability.
(PRWEB) December 14, 2016 -- Thinking Software, Inc, is introducing Bring Your Own Licenses (BYOL) program for its Race Catcher™ service from AWS, which provides significant savings. Special license price is available through December 2016.
ARM-CM stands for:
Application Reliability Management via Collaborating Machines. It is further expalned here:
The 4 Modes of ARM-CM
(explained here:
allow software application vendors to monitor the health of multithreaded applications results independent of their installations geo-locations.
The below examples of license price are calculated per day. The first two columns are representing hourly and daily prices available on the AWS Marketplace. Below that are daily prices calculated from the yearly license price for local machines, wich are now also available for the AWS VMs with the BYOL promotional price.
AWS Marketplace Race Catcher™ Workstation license price:
t2.medium (2 CPU, 4GB): $0.50 / hour; $12.00/day
m3.xlarge (4 CPU, 15GB + 2 x 40 GB SSD): $1.60 / hour; $38.40/day
I2.xlarge (4 CPU, 30.5GB + 1 x 800 GB SSD): $3.00 / hour; $72.00/day
I2.8xlarge (32 CPU, 244GB + 8 x 800 GB SSD): $24.00 / hour; $576.00/day
AWS Marketplace Race Catcher™ Agent license price:
t2.medium (2 CPU, 4GB): $0.20 / hour; $4.80 / day
m3.xlarge (4 CPU, 15GB + 2 x 40 GB SSD): $0.57 / hour; $13.68 / day
I2.xlarge (4 CPU, 30.5GB + 1 x 800 GB SSD): $1.00 / hour; $24.00 / day
I2.8xlarge (32 CPU, 244GB + 8 x 800 GB SSD): $8.00 / hour; $192.00 / day
Within the present promotional Bring Your Own License (BYOL) program, the same local Race Catcher™ Workstation and Agent licenses (below) will work for AWS VMs of all the different strengths: from t2.medium all the way to I2.8xlarge.
Local Race Catcher™ Workstation license price:
$299 / year; $24.92 / month; $0.83 / day;
Savings by this promotion are from 14 times to over 600 times
Local Race Catcher™ Agent license price:
$49 / year; $4.08 / month; $0.14 / day
Savings by this promotion are from 32 times to over 1300 times
BYOL and other AMIs (Amazon Machine Images) from Thinking Software can be found here:
The 4 Modes of ARM-CM - Application Reliability Management via Collaborating Machines:
Mode 1: Race Catcher™ Workstation and the VMs with Race Catcher™ Agents are all running on the same VPC (Virtual Private Cloud). One Workstation can provide the analysis of hundreds of Race Catcher™ Agents equipped VMs.
Mode 2: Race Catcher™ Workstation is running on your local laptop. VMs with Race Catcher™ Agents are running on AWS.
Mode 3: Same as Mode 2. However the local (yearly) Race Catcher™ Agent licenses where used instead of the hourly metering charge via the BYOL (Bring Your Own License) option.
Mode 4: Number of Race Catcher™ Workstations and Race Catcher™ Agents on the premises are communicating. Workstation-A can publish to its account. Workstation-B can subscribe to its account. Workstation-A can also publish to different account, and so on.
An ISV can keep track of its installed Worldwide processes health.
Race Catcher™ is specializing on potential of multithreading contentions - on locating conditions for bugs in software results caused by incorrectly synchronized multithreading - on Race Conditions.
Race Catcher™ diagnoses vulnerability of software processes. That is, if a Race Condition was diagnosed by Race Catcher™, even when a software process has provided correct result, the correct result today does not mean that the same code will provide a correct result tomorrow, or a month from now.
To see what Race Conditions can cost an organization, see some of well known examples here: under "Samples of Everyday Issues".
IBM Support has 9,946 articles on Race Conditions
The site Stack Overflow has 14, 453 questions on Race Conditions
Nasdaq's Facebook glitch came from 'race conditions' (Updated Costs: Facebook Investors $500M, NASDAQ $62M)
Benjamin Shapiro, Thinking Software Inc.,, +1 (310) 377-0690, [email protected]
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