Jack Smith’s Novel: Woman Flees Mystery Killers for Whole Lifetime
MADISON, Conn. (PRWEB) September 02, 2016 -- An infant, five days old, is tossed in a dumpster to die, trucked away and forgotten. Yet she survives, discovered and parented by the homeless, a female Tarot card reader and a decertified male physician. So begins "The Unknown” (published by Xlibris) written by Jack Smith
Twenty five years gradually pass with the “family” constantly running to hide from assassins scheming unseen violence. As an adult, the heroine becomes a respected international business consultant and a popular tennis tournament champion. Yet she cannot escape her past – events that attract the unknown assassins, her hidden heritage, the no-longer homeless parents, crowd-attracting tennis games, an ocean swimming accident, the Godfather accused of race horse gambling, an unopened letter from a stranger, and a deck of revealing Tarot cards.
According to Smith, it is a work of fiction that encompasses life in today’s world which includes the homeless and the conditions facing them: crime in the streets, gambling, the lengths to which people will gravitate for a “quick buck” and defensive measures people employ to protect themselves. He says that, like life, the path this story takes is not straight; it bends with mystery, intrigue, violence, the unexpected, and more than a few surprises.
“The Unknown”
By Jack Smith
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 336 pages | ISBN 9781499030976
Softcover | 6x 9in | 336 pages | ISBN 9781499030983
E-Book | 336 pages | ISBN 9781499030969
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Jack Smith is a retired businessman and is 86 years old. At the age of 18, while attending his freshman year at The Ohio State University, he promised himself that he would someday write a novel.
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