Jason McDonald, a Top San Francisco SEO Consultant, Announces August Schedule
San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) July 26, 2013 -- Jason McDonald, a top San Francisco SEO Consultant, is proud to announce his August teaching schedule. Dr. McDonald not only acts as an Internet marketing consultant but also teaches San Francisco SEO and Social Media Marketing training classes. Classes on his schedule include both AcademyX and BAVC locations. Each class is a 'crash course' in SEO and/or social media marketing full of fun, enthusiasm, and practical hands-on advice for busy small business owners and marketers.
"I just concluded my Stanford SEO / Social Media class to great success," explained Dr. McDonald. "Although I enjoy SEO and SMM consulting, I really thrive on teaching; hence I will have classes at both BAVC and AcademyX in San Francisco, California, in August."
To learn more about Dr. McDonald's SEO and social media classes, visit http://www.jasonmcdonald.org/training where one can learn about his SEO consulting as well as SEO and social media marketing training classes in the Bay Area.
Internet marketing, unfortunately, often becomes an end in itself. Dr. McDonald's classes, in contrast, emphasize practical Internet marketing strategy. What are the goals of the business? Who are the target customers? How can social media and/or SEO be used to a) attract new customers, b) build relationships with first-time customers, and c) extend existing relationships? Beyond that, a major question of Internet marketing is which social media or SEO tactic is the best fit for any given business. San Francisco SEO Consultant Jason McDonald - August Classes Some businesses should focus on blogs; others on Twitter; still others on Facebook or Youtube. A big part of each class lies in understanding how to identify a target social media that is truly appropriate for your business. Dr. McDonald's SEO consulting service also use this practical methodology as does his social media trainings.
Topics covered include -
SEO: On page tactics.
SEO: Off page tactics.
Social Media Marketing Strategy - fitting Social Media into your larger marketing strategy.
Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn - the Big Three Social Media Sites, and how to use them for social media marketing.
Twitter - should you Tweet? How does Twitter fit into your Social Media strategy?
Local Search - Google Local / Google Places and how local search intertwines with Social Media.
Youtube - Youtube's special relationship with Google, and how Youtube is a true Social Media marketing tool.
Blogging - how to leverage blogs plus build your own 'Google-friendly' Blog.
Beyond Social Media - miscellaneous but meritorious lesser social media sites and how they can turbo-charge your marketing, including advertising on social media sites.
Dr. Jason McDonald is a recognized SEO consultant in search engine optimization, Internet marketing, and search marketing based in the San Francisco Bay Area / Silicon Valley. Dr. McDonald received his Ph.D. from the University of California in 1992, and has worked at many hi-tech start up's in the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition, Dr. McDonald is Senior Editor at eg3.com, a web portal and email service covering hi-tech embedded systems on the Internet, founded in 1994. Recently, Dr. McDonald has begun teaching marketing, market research and Internet marketing at Bay Area institutions such as AcademyX and DeVry University.
Dr. McDonald can be found on the Internet at http://www.jasonmcdonald.org, a website focused on search engine marketing, SEO, and other Internet marketing issues with in-depth free information on SEO, Page Tags, Google Analytics, Metrics, Link building, Free SEO Tools and more. He can also be contacted by telephone at +1-702-879-4771 or email, jasonmcdonald.blog(at)gmail(dot)com.
Media Relations, JM Internet Group, http://www.jm-seo.net/, 510-713-2150 0, [email protected]
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