Jay Baer, Noted Social Media Expert, Shares what He Has Learned in Over 20 Years of Online Marketing Experience
Temecula, CA (PRWEB) October 30, 2013 -- Jay Baer is a New York Times best-selling author, a hype-free social media and marketing keynote speaker and consultant. He speaks to groups as large as 5,000, has started five multi-million dollar companies, has consulted for 30 of the Fortune 500, and his blog is ranked as the #1 content marketing blog in the world.
About his book, “Youtility: Why Smart Marketing is About Help Not Hype,” he says that the difference between helping and selling is just two letters, but those two letters are critically important to the success of business today. He cites statistics that seventy-four percent of people who like Facebook pages are current or former clients of that business. No one likes a Facebook page for a company they know nothing about.
Baer told Wes Schaeffer, “People will tell you that social media is some kind of unicorn, but maybe it’s just a horse.” The first thing business owners must have is a good product. “Social media isn’t going to patch up your wounds. If a company sucks, Twitter is the least of the owners’ worries. Companies that are great at social media are usually great companies.”
This is Session 15 in The Sales Whisperer®’s ongoing series of interviews with experts in fields that can help today’s entrepreneurs grow their businesses. To listen to the entire podcast, go to http://www.thesaleswhisperer.com/session15.
About The Sales Whisperer®
The Sales Whisperer® team offers sales and marketing training and support, copywriting and distribution expertise, and training on how to put it all together to grow affordably and predictably with less stress and shorter sales cycles. Visit http://www.thesaleswhisperer.com to learn more about the company, and discover how it can help your business grow.
Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer, http://thesaleswhisperer.com, 714-369-8004, [email protected]
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