JCN Launches the 60 Second Mac Podcast; Save Time and Maximize Your Apple Device Expertise with Short Weekly How-to Videos
Phoenix, AZ (PRWEB) October 25, 2013 -- Using the space bar to take a peek into any Mac file and starting a slide show in five seconds without any additional software are just a couple of the topics demonstrated in the new 60 Second Mac podcast from Whit Johnson of JCN http://www.jcn.com.
Whit Johnson, the founder of JCN, was a computer store manager when the Macintosh computer came out in the spring of 1984. He bought a 128K Mac and has been helping people use Macs and Apple products ever since. His 60 Second Mac podcast http://60secmac.com is the latest way he can share his knowledge and experience.
The semi-official definition of a podcast is: "a type of digital media consisting of an episodic series of audio, video, or ePub files subscribed to and downloaded through web syndication or streamed online to a computer or mobile device." The keywords are "media", "episodic", and "subscribed to". Specifically, the 60 Second Mac podcast is a short weekly video that can be subscribed to in many different ways.
Last July, Apple announced their iTunes store had achieved one billion podcast subscribers and that the iTunes store holds over 250,000 free podcast titles. Now one more has been added: 60 Second Mac. People interested in seeing this new podcast offering with iTunes can follow this link http://tinyurl.com/60secmac. Without iTunes, simply go to the 60 Second Mac website http://60secmac.com and use one of several other subscription and playback options.
Whitney Johnson, Johnson Consulting Network - JCN, LLC, http://www.jcn.com/poslavu/, 480-335-9242, [email protected]
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