Jelastic Trinity Release 3.3: Seamless Union of Hybrid Cloud with Public and Private Cloud Options
Malaga, Spain (PRWEB) June 09, 2015 -- Jelastic, Inc., the cloud company that provides a platform for container orchestration with entire freedom of choice from technology to vendor and an advanced level of DevOps workload mobility, today launched the new 3.3 version of the platform, aptly named “Trinity” to represent the union of three cloud options supported from this release. With multi-region support within different data centers and clouds, the company now officially offers a Hybrid Cloud solution alongside Public and Private. The intended outcome is the ability to distribute various companies’ workloads in a variety of regions, within one Hybrid Cloud.
In response to the words of Trinity from The Matrix: “The answer is out there, Neo, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to.” Ruslan Synytsky, Jelastic CEO, said, “We consider each of our customers to be the Chosen One, and provide them with answers to the issues they face while developing applications, offering cloud services and building businesses. And in this release, our clients and partners found the answer on how to use multiple data centers within just one multi-cloud platform. The hardware equipment as well as cloud resources may differ in parameters, or belong to another data center, located in another country, and that opens the doors to new markets and more business opportunities.”
Hybrid Cloud with Multiple Regions
The basic premise of the multi-region feature is in the provided ability to use various types of hardware, any IaaS or cloud services, either due to variety of parameters or distant geographical location. It produces the biggest benefits for hosting service providers, systems integrators and enterprises by allowing them to:
- Conquer a new market or cooperate with various hosting providers from different countries by creating a region in a remote location
- Significantly improve the response time for users closer to the data center, providing geo distribution of applications/data
- Keep sensitive data on a more expensive private cloud and insensitive data/apps can be stored on a lower-priced public cloud
- Use additional regions from external clouds in case of temporary burst, with no need to invest in hardware for variable loads
- Reach lower TCO and higher ROI by providing a combination of regions with hardware of different capacity - critical workloads can be hosted on stable, security-enhanced and as a result, more expensive clouds. Non critical workloads can be hosted on cheaper inferior clouds
- Gain disaster recovery and high availability across multiple data centers
- Implement complex access policies and manage hardware usage permissions, for example, providing separate regions for particular team groups like coders, QA, ops that are involved in DevOps workflows, as well as creating dedicated regions for important customers
- Provide the ability to add cloud resources from public clouds like Microsoft Azure, IBM SoftLayer, Google Cloud and AWS
Simultaneously, end users and developers will be able to benefit from the following possibilities:
- Choose between higher quality or more cost affordable hardware
- Easily relocate the projects to the superior hardware with the help of environment migration
- Host applications in a trusted local data center of the preferable hosting service provider
- Achieve higher availability through geo-distribution by locating the applications on several data centers around the world
Today, Jelastic is available as a public cloud solution via 36 public cloud hosting service providers across the world. A seamless Hybrid Cloud integration with the help of the multi-region feature is advantageous for these partners who have their own data centers, but who want to offer cloud services from several locations for their customers. It is also ideal if they have customers with temporary needs for a large burst during the load spikes and they do not want to invest in extra hardware.
“Jelastic Trinity is a milestone release, pulling the two public and private cloud threads of Jelastic's offering together, forming that important third platform capability - hybrid cloud. Opening new markets and exciting collaboration opportunities for Layershift as the UK's leading Jelastic partner,” said Damien Ransome, Service Director at Layershift. “I'm expecting to see greater collaboration between Jelastic hosting partners and also between hosting partners and ISVs. Jelastic Trinity will unlock the potential of each partner's individual success story - through strengthening the value proposition of collaborating hosting partners, whilst ensuring that end users benefit from the increased flexibility and reduced lock-in uniquely offered by the Jelastic ecosystem.”
In addition, the multi-region feature doubles efficiency by positively affecting systems integrators and enterprises who actively use private clouds and can now reach more workload mobility, by adding new regions in different clouds. This allows them to further expand the variety of existing possibilities and achieve even more high-availability for their applications.
"We are very happy that Jelastic has released a hybrid cloud option with support for multiple regions," said Miguel Hormigo, South Regional Manager at GMV. "GMV is currently using Jelastic private cloud for our internal development and testing processes and as an offering to our customers who are looking for a secure and cost efficient alternative. The biggest benefit that we foresee from the Trinity release is the ability to provide our clients with a hybrid cloud solution, gaining more control over portability of their applications and data."
Such a Hybrid Cloud represents an advanced extension to the private cloud-in-a-box solution actively offered by Jelastic to enterprise customers. As a result, they can seamlessly combine the hardware of Dell, IBM, HP and other vendors within one cloud platform, using each region for specific demands of their business.
“Jelastic’s unique private cloud-in-a-box solution, based on Dell’s PowerEdge VRTX, enables rapid application development and deployment through the cloud,” said Juergen Domnik, service provider director, Dell EMEA. “We’ve seen, and been surprised, by the different ways customers are getting value from the Dell PowerEdge VRTX. Its versatility means that small to medium businesses or franchises can optimise office IT environments, or in this instance serve as an ideal platform for DevOps. We’re delighted to provide this solution to Jelastic to better enable their customers.”
Jelastic in a Hybrid Cloud with Azure
As the first practical step in providing Hybrid Cloud, Jelastic has already integrated with Azure for ISVs, hosting providers or enterprise customers enabling them to allocate extra regions using Azure Marketplace. As a result, Jelastic Hybrid Cloud will be available for enterprises and existing Jelastic hosting providers with the following benefits:
- Expand hosting business to more countries by selling resources from many data centers (19 compute regions of Azure)
- Burst to Azure in case of temporary applications’ load spikes or in the case additional computing power is needed
- Disaster recovery using Azure
- Backup to Azure
“We’re excited to be working closely with Jelastic to deliver their Hybrid Cloud to our customers,” said Corey Sanders, Director of Program Management at Microsoft Azure. “As strong hybrid cloud offerings are the cornerstone for Microsoft’s cloud differentiation, we are thrilled to bring additional cloud infrastructure options and offerings to our customers through Jelastic’s inclusion in the Azure marketplace.”
About Jelastic
Jelastic, Inc. is one of the first companies that introduced a new degree of freedom in the cloud with containerization for DevOps. Jelastic provides a turnkey Private, Public and Hybrid cloud platform that brings together enterprise PaaS and container-based IaaS. The platform provides certified containers for Java, PHP, Ruby, Node.js, Python and .NET and the ability to upload custom containers. Jelastic offers agile deployment models, flexible scaling for stateless and stateful applications, collaboration and access control tools, billing and business analytics tools, while driving down TCO with high density and hardware utilization. Jelastic is a software company that enables cloud hosting service providers, systems integrators and enterprises to unleash the full potential of the cloud to generate superior ROI and efficiencies.
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Amy Armitage, Jelastic,, +61 430548275, [email protected]
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