Jen Sackley Shares Concept of Concellogy in Debut Book
PALM COVE, Australia (PRWEB) July 21, 2016 -- Through a narrative approach, “Awakening the Conscious Cell: Change Yourself, Change the World” (published by Balboa Press AU) works to increase readers’ understanding of distress and bring awareness to normality. It shares author Jen Sackley’s theory of Concellogy, which promotes critical awareness of how one is genetically modified by environmental experiences and supported by conscious states.
“I believe that we as people are capable of so much more than we are encouraged to believe,” she explains. “That we are taught to think about everything; however, if we do not integrate our thoughts with our feelings, we deny ourselves our innate reality.”
Suggesting that people are of two minds – their conscious mind and subconscious state – Sackley believes that achieving a state of higher consciousness is only possible when these two minds and embraced together.
“As humans we really are mind over matter, that you are more than the sum of your parts, this sign Concellogy, I believe, acknowledges your human rights, too,” Sackley says. “You have the right to knowledge and wisdom, which I have had the privilege of accessing throughout my life. As a human being, all the knowledge and answers you need are within, you just need to trust that with this framework you can access them.”
“Awakening the Conscious Cell”
By Jen Sackley
Softcover | 5 x 8 in | 86 pages | ISBN 9781504302920
E-Book | 86 pages | ISBN 9781504302937
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Jen Sackley was born and raised in north Queensland. She has a master’s in social work and counseling and has worked for many years in the field of behavioral science. She has a passion for people and says that Concellogy is her gift to the world. This is Sackley’s first book. More information can be found at:
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