Job Wrapping For Job Boards - White Paper by SpiderMount.
(PRWEB) June 18, 2015 -- What is job wrapping or job spidering?
Job wrapping, sometimes called spidering,is the daily process of automatically pulling jobs, including adds, edits and deletes from a company career center or ATS and uploading those jobs, as individual job content, to a job board or recruitment software system. Source and Apply URL are also typically recorded so that an “apply” command will redirect the candidate to the proper page. All jobs from a source site can be spidered, or some subset (eg accounting jobs in US only) can be spidered.
Benefits of job wrapping to job board owner
Jobs are automatically fed, creating new daily SEO content for your board and enhancing your visitor experience. Relevant and fresh jobs content keeps visitors on your site longer. Second, recruiters hate posting jobs. Offers of free job postings are often ignored by recruiters. Job wrapping enhances the relationship between a job board and its client, because jobs are automatically posted on a daily basis.
Jobs supply via job wrapping vs. aggregator feed, or “jobs by Indeed”
Job wrapping provides a full individual job posting as if the recruiter posted it manually. In most cases, this is content to the job board for SEO purposes. Aggregator feeds are not job postings. They are truncated search results, which often serve no purpose other than encouraging the visitor to leave the job board. Aggregator feeds prohibit the job board from either 1) selling advertising clicks or 2) producing applications for their clients. Aggregator feeds, including Indeed, also prohibit job boards from collecting “application” information before redirect. So, essentially you have succeeded in marketing an applicant to your board but then you simply push that person to one of Indeed’s clients. Job wrapping provides relevant content that both enhances the visitor experience and benefits the job board.
Improved SEO: regularly updated content
Properly managed using keywords, job wrapping benefits job boards from 1) increased relevant content and 2) regular updates. With job wrapping, jobs are updated daily, keeping job board vacancy data fresh and attractive to search engines. When Google comes back to the job board for indexing, it sees new and relevant content. This improves page and search resulting rankings.
Employer upsell: automatic job postings
Job boards can save customers time by offering automatic job postings. The SpiderMount Job wrapping service updates jobs daily: removing expired job listings, editing existing ones, and adding new jobs.
High quality of jobs content
The SpiderMount job wrapping service offers intelligent tools for improving original vacancy data: converting HTML format into text, filtering jobs by keywords, cleaning unwanted content, replacing or removing recruiter contacts. Customized taxonomy service will map relevant titles or industry categories based on jobs content.
Full automation and confidence in jobs posting
Job spidering customers can be confident that all jobs are posted correctly. Sophisticated reporting and dedicated support service proactively resolve any scraping or posting problems. SpiderMount supports all languages, and we currently have customers in multiple languages on four continents. SpiderMount is the most reliable job wrapping service in the industry.
Zero cost integration
SpiderMount’s high precision job wrapping is offered as a full service solution for our clients. There are no required technology updates. Changes to source pages are handled by the SpiderMount service team. Depending upon the capability of a job board, jobs content can either be supplied via xml to ftp or download link, or it can be automatically loaded into your job board system.
Free 1 month trial
SpiderMount offers a free trial for new accounts. There are no long-term contracts. SpiderMount’s job wrapping service is priced based on the number of source sites spidered regardless of the number of jobs per source. To discuss our services, please contact:
Michael Woodrow
Aspen Technology Labs
Aspen, CO USA
[email protected]
Michael Woodrow, Aspen Technology Labs, Inc.,, +1 (970) 920-7830, [email protected]
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