Kenzai Provides Guidance on Preparing for the Worst in “You Are the Bug Out Bag”
Berkeley, California (PRWEB) April 19, 2017 -- When all hell breaks loose, the best chance for survival is having the ability to get out of the situation and to a safe location. This requires Physical Fitness, Mental Fitness, and Preparation.
In “You Are the Bug Out Bag” Kenzai Founder and CEO, Patrick Reynolds takes readers through the some key questions that every person needs to ask themselves to determine if they are prepared to save themselves and their loved ones in the event of a natural disaster or other catastrophic situation.
Here’s a sample of a few of the physical considerations:
1. Can you sustain a run or at least a fast walk for 5 to 10 kilometers?
Adrenaline will only get you a few hundred meters. After that, it all comes down to how good your lungs and heart are at taking in oxygen and pumping it through your body. Every moment you're left gasping and trying to catch your breath is a moment you're not spending getting to safety. Maintaining decent cardio is the single biggest thing that will save your hide.
2. Can you efficiently move your body around three dimensional space?
Modern life tends to terraform your day into an unending flat surface. A person can leave their apartment, take an elevator to the ground floor, a taxi to their office, and an escalator to their office, and essentially have spent the whole time on a flat plane, despite moving hundreds of vertical meters. When all of these services aren't available, how capable are you of putting your body where you want it to be? Can you pull your bodyweight up and over an obstacle? Can you safely lower yourself from a reasonable height? Can you crawl under a tight space or squeeze through a narrow crack?
3. Are you carrying dead weight?
You might tell yourself that carrying that extra 10 kilograms of body fat on your frame doesn't affect your odds of survival. After all, in the apocalypse, you'll have a few extra weeks of energy stored on your body while the skinny people starve! Sadly, this isn't how it actually shakes out. In real survival situations the people with a healthy low body fat do extremely well, while the overweight falter. Yes, if you're down in the single digit body fat range like a swimsuit model you're going to be in for a rough time. But very few people are hanging out at that ultra low body fat for much longer than a photoshoot. Many, many more are parked at 10-20kg of excess biomass that does them no good at all in an emergency. Carrying a lot of extra body fat on your frame is the equivalent of throwing a few cast-iron pots in your bug out bag. Maybe useful one day, but in the moment nothing but a liability that slows you down.
Check out the Big Ideas section of to read “You Are the Bug Out Bag” and other thought leadership on health and fitness in the modern world.
About Kenzai Inc.:
Kenzai is a Berkeley, California based health and fitness company that offers comprehensive online training programs that help people around the world connect and get into great shape. Every Kenzai program focuses on four key areas (exercise, nutrition, education, and community) to get trainees into the best shape of their lives and sustain the results.
Kenzai offers three entry level programs: Kenzai Body, a 90-day program that focuses on fast efficient bodyweight based workouts; Kenzai Run, a 56-day program that helps new and experienced runners learn to train in a more structured way with better nutrition and full body conditioning to improve performance; and Kenzai Silver, a 56-day program for seniors, ages 60 and up, who want to be more active and have more energy to do the things they enjoy in life.
Entry programs start on the first Monday of each month from January through September. Visit the Kenzai website to learn more and inquire about the entry level programs:
Todd Musgrove, Kenzai Inc.,, +1 415-712-6181, [email protected]
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