LDC Via selected as a G-Cloud 8 supplier, for IBM Lotus Notes & Lotus Domino users
London (PRWEB UK) 18 August 2016 -- LDC Via has been awarded a place as a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) supplier on G-Cloud 8, the Crown Commercial Service’s public sector procurement framework for cloud-based software and services in the UK.
This will enable Public Sector organisations to more easily take advantage of LDC Via’s unique capabilities for replacing legacy IBM Lotus Domino (‘Lotus Notes’) installations with high-quality, value-for-money, high-availability PaaS offerings, and related tools and services. LDC Via provides the replacement server platform for Domino, hosted in the cloud; out-of-the-box templates for standard Notes/Domino databases (discussion, teamroom, document library, etc); point-and-click “no code” application building; modern application programming interfaces for software developers; and data migration tools to make the transition as painless as it can be.
G-Cloud 8 is the latest stage of the Government's plans to create a digital marketplace; it provides an online catalogue from which public bodies are able to select approved IT services in a simple and cost-effective manner.
With a simple monthly payment model, tiered according to data volumes, and no minimum period, LDC Via represents not only a shift towards modern standards-based software techniques, but also a move away from monolithic capital-intensive licences towards a low-cost high-availability cloud delivery model.
Matt White, LDC Via’s Chief Architect, said “We are excited to be able to offer our platform through G-Cloud for the first time. For organisations with a legacy of IBM Domino applications and data, there is no better way to retain and maximise the benefits of the data assets while losing the baggage of outdated platforms and development tools. Being a G-Cloud PaaS supplier will make it simpler for public bodies to make use of LDC Via’s technology in a cost-effective and flexible way.”
-- About LDC Via --
LDC Via Ltd, headquartered in London’s technology district, offers platform-as-a-service and related tooling for the development of large-scale collaborative applications, and in particular for migrating data out of legacy IBM Domino (‘Lotus Notes’) installations.
LDC Via Ltd | http://ldcvia.com | 020 3633 3009 | info(at)ldcvia(dot)com
14 Rosebery Avenue | London | EC1R 4TD
-- About Crown Commercial Service --
The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) works with both departments and organisations across the whole of the public sector to ensure maximum value is extracted from every commercial relationship and improve the quality of service delivery. The CCS goal is to become the “go-to” place for expert commercial and procurement services.
Crown Commercial Services | http://www.gov.uk/ccs | 0345 010 3503 | supplier(at)crowncommercial(dot)gov(dot)uk
Aviation House | 125 Kingsway | London | WC2B 6SE
Julian Woodward, LDC Via Ltd, http://ldcvia.com, +44 2036333009, [email protected]
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