LeadFerret Posts Directory of Contacts at The Largest Private Companies
Woodland Hills, Ca (PRWEB) February 20, 2016 -- The difference between private and public companies is pretty straight forward in definition: anyone can buy stock in public companies though stock exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange or NASDAQ, while ownership in private companies is by invitation only, and they cannot legally sell shares to the general public. The natural course of the birth, growth, and evolution of a company typically means that with enough success they will eventually "go public." However, in some instances that is not case, but private companies with $5 billion + in revenue tend to be very rare, which is why LeadFerret has chosen to highlight these companies with this specialty directory.
See the full directory at: https://leadferret.com/directory/largest-private-companies
In examining these companies, it makes sense to first consider why a company would choose to forgo the allure of public financing, recognition, and the prestige that comes with being listed on a major stock exchange. Of course, to be able to make the decision to remain private you have to have the cash to not need private funding, and a plan for long term sustainable leadership. In this way, private companies are rate because it's not easy to remain private for multiple generations. Once a company has the means to remain private, they then also have to have the desire to stay private and the fortitude to turn down promises of big financial gain constantly pushed in front of them by wholesale lenders. Often time the desire to stay private is exactly as it sounds, the desire to be private, as in the desire to retain privacy. Public companies are held to stringent reporting and disclosure laws and under far more scrutiny than private companies. The overlying principal is that leaders of public companies and legally responsible to always make the decision that is in the best interest of their shareholders, while private companies can be guided by other principals like personal gain, spiritualism, causes they care about, etc.
This also means that private companies tend to make decisions more quickly, which, by itself, is reason to be inserted in these companies. Anyone that has a product, service, or solution that is particularly applicable or relevant to privately help companies should find this directory useful.
This directory was compiled in part based on information found at 247wallst.com, forbes.com, and wikipedia.org.
About LeadFerret
LeadFerret, Inc offers an online B2B database containing business and social information on 30+ million companies and contacts, that can be accessed through the classic cloud-based data management platform, LeadFerret Enterprise, or the new LeadFerret API. Users can search and view all data for free, and only pay when they want to download records. Every record comes with complete information, including email address, phone number, company information, and much more. Many records now even come with social media links. For more information, go to: http://www.LeadFerret.com
Disclaimer: LeadFerret is in no way affiliated with or partnered with any of the companies listed in this directory, 247wallst.com, forbes.com, and wikipedia.org.
Stela Cassidy, LeadFerret, Inc., http://www.leadferret.com/, +1 818-415-7996, [email protected]
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