Learning Center Announces The Release of Their New Independent Practitioner’s Clinical Materials Package
(PRWEB) July 26, 2013 -- Professional Life Coaching Certification School Holistic Learning Center Announces the release of their Independent Practitioner’s Clinical Materials Package. This Independent Practitioner's Package contains all the HuMethod clinically proven self-help exercises, multi-sensory techniques and meditations. These professional resource tools are designed for new life coaches, as well as experienced life coaches, holistic practitioners, psychologists, counselors and social workers.
Healing and coaching practitioners can learn from HLC’s 20 years of life coaching experience and clinical field testing on advanced life skill subjects such as Relationship Mastery, Parenting Mastery, Money Mastery, Weight Mastery and Self Parenting Mastery to name just a few.
This Independent Coach’s Client package includes coaching techniques that have been proven to work on thousands of clients. These professional coaching techniques create the permanent behavioral changes that coaching clients seek, and are designed to help practitioners build a strong referral based practice.
The 1,000 page spiritual life coaching training manual contains HLC’s Proprietary Coaching Techniques that include how to use the Maieutic training method, hundreds of Self-Mastery Assignments that can be used to customize coaching lessons, the Responsibility Communication process for mature boundary protection, several types of meditations each designed to handle different kinds of EGO issues, and professional coaching forms that can be used to clinically measure a client’s progress.
Along with the manual the package includes the textbook and accompanying CD Album Self Mastery.. A Journey Home to Yourself written by coach Hu Dalconzo. Coach Hu invested over 25-years compiling research about the most magnanimous spiritual leaders, teachers, gurus and philosophers of the last 2500 years to create a book that transcends philosophical and religious boundaries and unites readers from all over the Universe from any faith or religion.
This Independent Coach’s Client package includes everything a healing practitioner or life coach needs to create a solid life coaching business. The marketing mastery digital training manual, the live Life Coaching course on audiobook, meditation tools, the Spiriutal Life Coaches Training CD album and all the text and CD materials will help any healing practitioner or professional coach develop and maintain a successful practice.
Sabrina Rose, The Holistic Learning Center, http://www.holisticlearningcenter.com/hu-method.html, 888-452-0878 3, [email protected]
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