Lice Troopers Responds to CDC Shift in Stance on Head Lice, Parent Concern
Miami, FL (PRWEB) May 30, 2016 -- As the CDC relaxes its stance on traditional No-Nit policies, parents wonder what this will means for their children and their efforts to keep their households lice free.
According to a May 26 article from news source KHON2, schools across Hawaii are enacting new policies that keep kids in the classroom despite the fact that they may be harboring an infestation. Previous No-Nit policies stated that children showing signs of an infestation, such as nits or lice bugs in the hair, could not reenter the classroom until the infestation had been eradicated. The rationale being that, given the highly contagious nature of lice, it was better to keep them out of school and away from other children.
However, due to the fact that lice do not transmit infectious diseases, the CDC and American Academy of Pediatricians have concluded that it is not necessary for children to miss school on account of it. Kids should be treated as soon as possible, but need not remain at home until the process is completed.
Parents, however, especially those who’ve had a houseful of head lice, disagree, seeing the new policy as a recipe for an unending lice epidemic. Once they’ve treated their own children, sending them back into a classroom among other children with lice seems a guarantee of re-infestation.
Lice Troopers, the Miami-based professional lice removal company, has largely supported the No-Nit policies, understanding how quickly and easily lice can pass. However, the better solution, they remind, is a regular schedule of school-wide screenings. No-Nit policies or not, kids with lice show up to school and summer camp and play on sports teams; each of these environments is one in which lice can easily transmit. By screening kids regularly, no one is singled out and the individual can be treated the very same day.
Said Lice Troopers owner and operator Arie Harel, “Keeping lice out of schools and helping parents stay calm is our aim. For this reason, we’ve made school partnerships a priority. The goal is to keep kids lice free and in the classroom. With all that parents and teachers have to deal with, we don’t want lice to be one more hassle.”
Lice Troopers is the all-natural, guaranteed Head Lice Removal Service™ that manually removes the head louse parasite safely and discreetly in child-friendly salon settings, or other chosen location. Providing safe solutions for frantic families, the Lice Troopers team has successfully treated thousands of families nationwide, with services widely recommended by pediatricians and reimbursed by many major health insurance carriers, flexible spending accounts and health savings accounts.
Jennie Harel, Lice Troopers,, +1 (800) 403-5423, [email protected]
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