Like David against Goliath, Sinplus are ready to take over
(PRWEB UK) 28 January 2014 -- After representing Switzerland at the Eurovision Song Contest in Baku (Azerbaijan), the rock duo Sinplus has become a well-known name in Europe. They toured in twelve European countries with their smash single «Unbreakable». Last year the two brothers Gabriel and Ivan Broggini decided to establish their own company to manage the band. "In the past we collaborated with many different companies, learning both the pleasant and the unpleasant side of the business".
Now they are starting a new chapter. "We are a small company, we take care of everything, from changing a string, art direction, administration work, and even the management. It is not easy, but we like challenges! One of the greatest things about working alone is that we feel free, no one can tell us what to say or what to sing," explain Gabriel, Sinplsus's singer. "We know this business is a jungle, but we do our best, try to get respected for what we do and how we do it. Our story reminds us of «David against Goliath». We will go on with or without support, but of course we are open to collaborate with motivated people," says Ivan, Sinplus's guitar player.
A band that is working hard for a dream, this is the story of Sinplus and it comes clear by listening the lyrics by the two Swiss brothers. "We want to push people, make them feel they can reach for the stars and never give up. We try to incorporate this kind of uplifting messages in all of our songs,” says Gabriel, the voice of Sinplus.
Now, a few days from the release of the album, «Up To Me» is quickly climbing the charts too. «Up To Me» seems to be the next thing the Swiss duo will be remembered for. The two songwriters (Ivan and Gabriel Broggini) produced and recorded the album «Up To Me» in London, through 140db, company that hosted bands like U2, Simple Minds, 30 Seconds To Mars and Depeche Mode. On Facebook, Sinplus posted: "Finally, here we are. Our new album UP TO ME is out!!! A magical moment, an incredible experience, and a dream that keeps getting bigger. THANK YOU"
Alongside, the band released a new official video for the second single of their album, called «Up To Me». "We wanted to do something slightly different," says Gabriel. "We thought animation could have been something fun and unusual." The band contacted Swiss Director Amos Sussigan, now based in Los Angeles, who collaborated with Disney and Dreamworks artists to come up with the band's new video. "I wanted to create a simple character who everyone could identify with, injecting style with a 1984 black and white palette but not forgetting about the humanity of him. I focused on giving a sense of scale and scope to the shots at the beginning to make it feel epic and universal, which automatically made our little "spere-head" hero small and poignant, especially at the end when he goes his own way."
Management, DIGEM WORKS,, +41 917600780, [email protected]
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