Lindner to Present to L.D Pankey Institute
Greenville, SC (PRWEB) June 09, 2015 -- The forces from an uneven “bite” or dental occlusion can affect the teeth, causing damaging wear, cracks, loosening teeth, broken teeth, “TMJ” problems, muscle pain and severe headaches. Having a smile “redesign” or “cosmetic makeover” that is beautiful is not enough. Teeth need to function properly for comfort and have long-lasting results.
This presentation describes a method for developing the anterior guidance information in the provisional prototype.The prototype information is recorded in a stone index. This index is transferred to mounted casts on the articulator. This information is designed so that it includes all of the static and functional aspects necessary for optimal function and aesthetics.The Master Ceramist now has a precise blueprint to achieve optimal function and aesthetics in the final restoration.
Dr. Lindner’s program will be presented to the L.D. Pankey Institute on Sept. 18, 2015, at the Pankey Alumni meeting held in New Orleans.
For more information about Anterior Function And Aesthetics, visit Dr. Leor Lindner & Dr. Richard Alpert at
Dr.leor lindner, Create Dental Harmony,, +1 (864) 233-4166, [email protected]
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