Love or Above: Review Exposes Christie Marie Sheldon’s Guide to Improving Energetic Frequency for a Happier, Healthier Life
Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) June 30, 2014 -- Love or Above, a personal improvement program created by intuitive healer Christi Marie Sheldon that is based on personal vibration frequency and helping people achieve their happiest, healthiest selves has caught the attention of Shane Michaels, prompting an investigative review.
“A lot of people go through life wondering why some people just seem to have it all when it comes to health, wealth, and prosperity while other people just seem to consistently have bad luck or unfortunate circumstances,” reports Michaels. “In the Love or Above program, Christie Marie Sheldon explains exactly why that dichotomy exists, and how people can drastically alter their life circumstances simply by improving the level of their personal vibration frequency.”
Personal energetic frequency has been a part of world societies since ancient times and is not necessarily a new concept. Energy work can be found in Tai Chi practices by the Chinese, in Reiki practices by the Japanese, and in India through Kundalini energy. Research and studies have proven that feelings such as humiliation, guilt, and sadness actually produce lower vibration levels in a certain individual than if they were feeling love, enlightenment, and bliss. On a scale of 1-1,000, love is experienced at 500, with higher-level feelings producing even greater vibrations. However, some individuals have permanently low vibration levels due to life circumstances or mental states that prevent them from achieving higher levels, also known as energy blocks. Through Love or Above, Christie Marie Sheldon teaches students how they can remove these blockages to experience vibration levels of ‘Love or Above’ for a lifetime of happiness, satisfaction, and bliss. The Love or Above program educates students about 12 different tools they can use to improve their vibration frequency and overall well-being, as well as several other tools and guides that will assist in their journey. The entire program is available in either instant download format for $99, or the physical CDs for $149, which also provides instant online access.
“Christie developed this program after providing personal energy services for more than 20,000 clients,” says Michaels. “Through her years or extensive experience, she knows exactly which tools additional students need to use to finally achieve the life that they always thought they would just have to watch other people live.”
“This program is a fantastic investment for anyone who feels that they are consistently down or frustrated with their circumstances, who feels like they want more positivity in their life but just can’t find a way to achieve it, or simply for the individual who has a constant yearning for personal growth.”
Those wishing to purchase the Love or Above program or for more information, click here.
To access a comprehensive Love or Above review, visit this site right here.
Shane Michaels, Best Love or Above Review,, +1 (219) 413-2581, [email protected]
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