Low charge ammonia manufacturer to exhibit at RETA National Conference
San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) September 16, 2015 -- At one of the world’s largest refrigeration events dedicated to the professional development of industrial refrigeration operators and technicians from around the world, leading US manufacturer Azane will present their Azanechiller and Azanefreezer range of sustainable solutions – a proven technology that uses low charge ammonia, an ultra efficient and zero Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerant.
The company will showcase the pre-engineered family of modular air cooled packaged units proven to offer up to 90% reduction in ammonia charge and up to 20% lower energy bills as compared to traditional ammonia systems. These systems will be presented to an audience of over 1000 HVACR industry professionals and end-users looking to ensure their knowledge of industry-wide developments and technical issues remain at the cutting-edge.
The US manufacturer will demonstrate a series of case studies of recent installations for a range of user applications, including freezer warehouses, temperature controlled storage, wineries, breweries, dairies, food processing, process cooling, ice rinks, and HVAC.
A naturally occurring refrigerant with zero ozone depleting and zero GWP, low charge ammonia technology is set to play a major role in response to the EPA’s R22 phase out program and the increasing regulatory, legislative, and bureaucratic burdens affecting refrigeration operators.
The use of ammonia has historically been restricted to large, distributed refrigeration systems operating with traditional refrigeration technology and requiring relatively large quantities of refrigerant. However, with the ongoing investment in time and resources needed to maintain and document compliance programs to fulfil OSHA’s PSM and the EPA’s RMP requirements, end-user preferences are swinging towards alternative technologies that are more sustainable and energy efficient.
With the advent of the concept of ‘low charge ammonia’, the refrigerant is now also being considered in applications which were typically the domain of ‘commercial’ systems.
Derek Hamilton, VP of Business Development at Azane, says “Refrigeration plant owners are keen to move to climate-friendly and safer alternatives to alleviate their businesses’ regulatory burdens.”
“Air cooled, low-charge ammonia systems are safer, environmentally neutral and can deliver up to 20% higher efficiencies than freon systems.”
“The Azanechiller and Azanefreezer are designed to operate with the minimum possible quantity of ammonia, sometimes as little as one tenth of the charge of a traditional ammonia refrigeration system. This helps facilities benefit from the many advantages of ammonia, while avoiding the 10,000 lb threshold which would necessitate PSM compliance.”
“Low-charge ammonia makes both environmental and business sense.”
Azane’s low charge series are fully integrated industrial refrigeration packages built and pressure tested at their manufacturing facility in Chambersburg, PA. The manufacturer developed the family of chillers and condensing units using designs developed and proven during over 30 years serving the refrigeration industry with natural refrigerants.
The Azane range comprises the following benefits:
• Natural Refrigerant: With zero ozone depletion potential and zero GWP, ammonia will not be subject to future legislation or usage restrictions.
• Low charge: Safe design – better performance than a central ammonia system with a fraction of the ammonia charge.
• Reduced Running Cost: Ammonia is a highly efficient refrigerant, meaning that these packages use less electricity to run than alternative technologies.
• Factory-built package: Superior build quality compared to a typical site-installed system. Built to last for a minimum of 25+ years, the units are produced to industrial standard using industrial components from the world’s leading manufacturers.
• Built-In leak detection technology: Improves safety.
• Efficient Reverse Cycle Defrost (RCD): Defrost is safe, fast and efficient – and removes the need for electric defrost.
• Patented Star technology: Efficient Low Pressure Receiver System.
• Maintenance and Longevity: Brilliantly engineered for enhanced performance and increased reliability, the Azane range has been proven to remain efficient over time, providing longer optimal performance while ensuring low running and maintenance costs.
• No installation down-time or plant room required: Minimum site installation work is required allowing for continued operation of the facility during installation work.
• Industrial PLC control system: Offering performance monitoring, remote access, fault reporting and more.
• Proven Product: 20 years of successful installations across the world for the largest international organizations.
• Air Cooled: No water required. Air cooled systems are cheaper to own and operate than evaporative systems. The air cooled design avoids the need for water treatment; therefore the maintenance costs are significantly lower. Also, a simpler installation (no cooling tower, pumps, etc) makes these packages very attractive in retrofit applications or when building extensions to existing facilities.
To understand how this technology can be used for a variety of market sectors and applications visit http://www.azane-inc.com/case-studies.aspx
For more information on the features and manufacturing process of the low charge ammonia Azanechillers and Azanefreezers, please visit http://www.azane-inc.com.
Astrid Prado, Star Refrigeration, http://www.star-ref.co.uk, 0044 141 638 7916, [email protected]
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