Lyme Disease a Focus for Urgent Care Association of America at its Regional Conference in Philadelphia
PHILADELPHIA (PRWEB) July 15, 2016 -- Each year approximately 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) – and more than 96 percent of these cases come from the top 14 states – 12 of which are in the Northeast, including Pennsylvania.
Because of this regional prominence, Lyme disease will be a key topic discussed by urgent care professionals at the Urgent Care Association of America (UCAOA) Urgent Care Regional Conference, July 14-15, in Philadelphia – where urgent care practitioners will gather for a special session to discuss best practices for testing, diagnosing and treating this disease, as well as the simple steps that all residents of these areas can follow to help avoid ticks.
This session will help urgent care professionals stay up-to-date on the most effective ways to educate and treat patients in the Northeast, where the thought of Lyme disease can cause dread – especially during the warm months when more people will be exposed to ticks.
Some general tips on avoiding Lyme disease, from the UCAOA:
• Avoid wooded areas and walk in the center of trails
• Wear light colored clothing so it’s easier to see ticks
• Tuck pants into socks, sleeves into gloves
• Wear a hat
• Button up shirts and shirtsleeves
• Use DEET or permethrin-containing repellent.
If contact with a tick is made, following proper removal steps is crucial. These include using fine-tipped tweezers, pulling upward with a slow and steady pressure and thoroughly cleansing the bite. If a rash or fever is present within a few weeks of tick removal, please visit your local urgent care center for evaluation.
About the Urgent Care Association of America
The Urgent Care Association of America (UCAOA) is a membership association for urgent care health and management professionals, clinics and those who support the urgent care industry. UCAOA provides educational programs in clinical care and practice management, has a monthly Journal of Urgent Care Medicine and maintains an active online presence and member community for daily exchange of best practices. UCAOA provides leadership, education and resources for the successful practice of urgent care for its members. For more information visit
Matt Kasik, L.C. Williams & Associates, +1 (312) 565-3900, [email protected]
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