Maia Becomes Maia Learning, Adds No-Cost Career Exploration
Palo Alto, CA (PRWEB) January 06, 2016 -- Maialearning is a K12 college and career readiness platform that engages students and helps counselors have more productive meetings with students. The platform, formerly called "maia", has been renamed "Maia Learning" to make it easier to search for. It now offers a free Research Careers capability. visitors can use the new Research Careers button to explore by:
• Career Name (e.g.: “Nurse” or “Police Officer”)
• Bright Outlook (occupations expected to grow rapidly)
• Industry (e.g.: “Finance” or “Construction”)
• Job Zone (Level of education, experience, and training required)
Visitors can find a career’s required tasks, skills, and knowledge; then discover other careers with common elements. Schools and parents can use Research Careers to broaden students’ horizons.
Schools that use the complete Maia Learning platform engage students in a planning process that begins with career recommendations based upon personality assessments, adds extensive research capabilities, then automatically builds Career Plans around their top choices. It supports academic planning and individual education plans as well.
The career exploration process helps students engage in shaping their futures and make better choices. Counselor Steve Brown of Lake Shore High School in New York says, “Maia Learning lets students take more ownership of their plans, and allows counselors to get into more valuable conversations about college and career planning.”
Maia Learning is the evolution of CollegeOnTrack, one of District Administration Magazine’s Top 100 Education Products of 2014. Schools can request pilot programs to evaluate the complete system at no cost. Maia Learning is a product of ServiceInfinity Inc. Learn more at
About ServiceInfinity Inc.
ServiceInfinity Inc. provides cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) that helps create interactive learning communities among students, counselors, teachers, and parents. For more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview, contact Philip Roybal at (408) 782-4244, or phil(at)maialearning(dot)com.
Philip Roybal, ServiceInfinity Inc.,, +1 (408) 782-4244, [email protected]
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