Manchester Private Investigators Are the Go-to Agency When It Comes to Matrimonial Investigations
(PRWEB UK) 23 November 2014 -- According to the article published by The Telegraph, dated 26 Sep 2014: Couples who met online three times more likely to divorce, those married couple who met online have a higher chance of getting divorced than those who met in person, a recent study shows. Those who find their partners online are three times more likely to file for divorce, as well as 28 percent more likely to divorce their partners within the first year, according to the numbers gathered by Michigan State University. A total of 4,000 couples were included in the study. The results showed that couples which started their relationship in one of the traditional ways, such as introduction through a friend, or meeting someone at work, or a hobby, enjoyed more stable relationships that those couples who met each other online first. This study is in stark contrast with a report from the University of Chicago, which found that relationships started online were much stronger, although that study was funded by the online dating site eHarmony. Other studies show that around 20 percent of heterosexual couples meet online, while as much as 70 percent of homosexual couples meet online. Online dating can also help you find your match by your music taste, or religion, and so on.
Manchester Private Investigators ( would like to advise potential clients to consider hiring a private investigator to perform a background check on someone they met online, if they decide to take their acquaintance or a relationship to the next level. The internet is full of people pretending to be someone they are not. While most lie about their physical appearance, some of them can hide something much more dangerous, so it never hurts to be more careful. Manchester Private Investigators detectives are extremely efficient and skilful when it comes to doing background checks. It doesn’t matter if you met someone online or in person, their private investigators will find out everything there is to know about that person, by using all legal means necessary. That way, you can rest assured that you are placing your trust with the right person.
Chief investigator at Manchester Private Investigators William Abbott took the opportunity to warn online daters about all the drawbacks of such approach. Mr Abbott went on to add: “While meeting someone new from the comfort of your own home seems like an appealing prospect, it might not be as ideal as it appears at face value. While it may seem cynical, we think that it’s hard to really know somebody, even if you have known the person for years. We have all read those articles about people not suspecting anything about their upstanding partners, neighbours or teachers. Give us a call, and we will run a background check for you.” William Abbott can be reached on 0161 363 0083.
William Abbott, Manchester Private Investigators,, +44 161 363 0083, [email protected]
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