Manhattan Dry Cleaner Advises How to Keep Stored Clothes in Tip-Top Shape
New York, NY (PRWEB) October 24, 2013 -- Manhattan dry cleaner Wash Club NYC is helping people currently suffering from winter storage shock. It seems like just yesterday warmer clothing was being packed away for the summer months ahead. Now that the season has changed and the temperature has dropped, people are bringing back out their warmer clothes that may or may not look like they did when they were first packed away. Wash Club NYC is providing helpful tips for those who need to salvage their winter clothes, and prepare their summer storage to avoid future mishaps.
Strange smells, misshapen garments and stains that weren’t there before may bedeck stored clothes brought to light for the first time since last season. This most likely means they were not stored correctly, according to Wash Club NYC. If a good wash doesn’t fix it, there are simple household solutions that may.
Vinegar for example is known to take the musty smell away from clothes stored for a long period of time. For stains, try soaking clothes overnight in Oxyclean and a strong, non-soap based detergent. And for those with a bit of time and patience, air dry a sweater, and pat/push the ribbing together at the neckline, wrists and waist to arrange the garment back into shape.
To avoid any unpleasant surprises, Wash Club NYC suggests the following when storing clothes:
• Before packing away the summer clothes, evaluate the pieces that weren’t worn all season. Chances are they won’t get worn next year either. If they’re not worth the space storing them, set them aside for donation.
• Wash everything you plan on storing, even if it looks clean. Insects are attracted to clothes that have stains – food, perspiration, and otherwise. For natural fiber and delicate clothing, make sure it is dry cleaned. Avoid starch and fabric softener, as they tend to attract insects.
• Find an optimal storage area in a dark, dry, ventilated and clean environment. Vacuum, clean and dust this area to remove dirt and insects.
• Delicates, sweaters and pants should go into plastic, wooden or cloth boxes with lids. Place the heaviest items on the bottom, and separate with clean white sheets to help maintain colors. For clothes you’d like to hang, use wooden or plastic hangers and wrap them with clean white sheets to avoid making permanent creases.
• Avoid smelly, toxic mothballs and use cedar to stave off insects instead.
• Take the time to regularly check your stored clothing.
“Six months of storing clothing incorrectly can ruin a wardrobe beyond repair,” says Rome. “It’s best to take a little time preparing for the season ahead, than to end up with destruction waiting for you in your closet. If you’re faced with the question of what’s salvageable and what’s not, it’s best to contact your local dry cleaner.”
About Wash Club NYC:
Wash Club NYC is a pick-up and delivery laundry service in New York that offers affordable and eco-friendly wash and fold and dry cleaning services from residences or places of business in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Committed to providing top-notch quality customer service, Wash Club NYC also services commercial laundry in New York for colleges, salons, health clubs, private gyms and hospitality venues. To see what Wash Club NYC can do for you, visit
Rick Rome, Wash Club NYC,, +1 (917) 576-5363, [email protected]
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