Massive Protest Against Iran Nuclear Deal to Greet Vice President Joe Biden During Thursday Visit to Florida
Davie, FL (PRWEB) September 02, 2015 -- Who: Americans opposed to the dangerous nuclear deal with Iran
What: A spirited protest directed at Vice President Joe Biden, the Administration and Congress
Where: Outside the David Posnack JCC 5850 S. Pine Island Road, Davie, FL
When: Sept. 3, 2015 7:30 a.m.- onward
Over 1,000 protesters from all walks of life are expected to gather in protest outside the David Posnack Jewish Community Center in Davie, Florida, early Thursday morning to greet Vice President Joe Biden when he arrives for a private meeting with Broward Jewish community leaders organized by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
The protest is being led by Americans United Against the Deal, a grassroots group of local activists that includes a diverse and bipartisan cross section of leading Florida Latinos, Christians, Jews, U.S. veterans, members of the LGBT community and an array of others who vehemently oppose President Obama’s deal with Iran. Survivors of Iranian-sponsored terrorism are also expected to participate.
“We are coming together to tell the Vice President, Members of Congress and the White House in a clear voice that the American people do not want this terrible Iran deal, and that it is a mistake of historic proportions,” said Joe Zevuloni, who is one of the gathering’s leaders. “We are demanding a better deal without secret side deals and loopholes that benefit Iran and threaten America. This deal provides billions of dollars for a regime that reviles the United States, and it does nothing to stop Tehran’s support for terrorism, its human rights violations, or the regime’s aggressive and threatening actions toward U.S. allies throughout the Middle East.”
Another of the protest’s organizers, Pastor Mario Bramnick, President of the Hispanic Israel Leadership Coalition said, “The Iran nuclear agreement will be a disaster for the national security of America and Israel. Congress must reject the deal. Iran is openly committed to the destruction of America and Israel, and we simply cannot afford to risk our future on a bad agreement that paves the way to a nuclear Iran."
Sharona Whistler, a protest organizer and the Executive Director of the Florida Region for the Zionist Organization of America, added: “Florida voters oppose by more than a two to one margin this Iran agreement, which is not a deal so much as a gift to the enemy of the Free World. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other Florida lawmakers should oppose this deal because it will mean more terrorism and then eventually war and nothing the Vice President can say changes that.”
Americans United Against the Deal will voice their strong opposition to what they believe is a disastrous deal that would legitimize Iran’s illicit pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability and allow the Islamic Republic to become a nuclear threshold state. The group says the proposed agreement eliminates nearly all restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program after just ten to fifteen years, lifts a vital arms embargo on Tehran, and elevates the threat of armed conflict in the region by allowing the radical regime to continue its support for terrorist groups and other violent proxies.
To coordinate interviews with the leaders of the protest, please contact Evan Nierman at 954-789-9112.
Evan Nierman, +1 (954) 789-9112, [email protected]
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