MediaBids Is Offering Daily and Weekly Newspapers Special Mother’s Day Print Ads Featuring Exclusive Deals for Print Edition Readers
Winsted, CT (PRWEB) April 27, 2015 -- Mother’s Day is fast approaching and MediaBids is happy to announce a new selection of beautiful gift-related print ads are available to daily and weekly newspapers for fast delivery, as part of their per-inquiry print advertising program.
For the past several years, MediaBids has helped drive millions of dollars in print ad revenue back to publications, and holiday ads are a key component of their program. This year, MediaBids is offering ads to publishers that feature exclusive discounts to their readers from companies like Vermont Teddy Bear, Pajamagram, Pajama Jeans and Dancing Deer Baking Company.
Interested publications can receive ads in a few easy steps:
1.) Visit
2.) Choose from several Mother’s Day print ads – Select the ad size, color and delivery date.
3.) Mediabids delivers the ad as a PDF that’s ready for print. Each ad has a unique tracking item in it that identifies sales activity from individual publications. MediaBids then pays publications based on the activity the ads generate.
To view available advertisers and learn more about MediaBids' Per-Inquiry Print Advertising Program, please visit
About MediaBids, the Newspaper and Magazine Advertising Marketplace, offers a patented online process that enables the buying and selling of print advertising space in U.S. newspapers and magazines. MediaBids provides traditional print media planning and buying services, as well as an unparalleled performance-based print advertising program that drives leads to advertisers and additional revenue to print publishers. Visit to learn more or call toll-free: 800-545-1135
Jessica Greiner, MediaBids Inc.,, +1 (860) 379-9602 Ext: 238, [email protected]
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