Melinda Worth Popham Tells Story of Her ‘Grace Period’
(PRWEB) April 18, 2017 -- Melinda Worth Popham returns to the literary limelight with the release of “Grace Period” (published by iUniverse), a candid and poignant narration of a family’s struggle and ultimate success, and the power of transformed people to transform people.
“Grace Period” recounts the author’s spiritual journey launched by the break-up of her marriage and her 15-year-old daughter’s descent into severe depression. It brought Popham to her knees and wound up leading her, at age 56, to Yale Divinity School – not in pursuit of ordination to ministry but quite simply to her “plain old ordinary sacred self.”
“It is highly relevant because adolescent depression and suicide rates have increased fourfold. It is relevant because spirituality is a hot topic, both faith-based spirituality and secular spirituality (spirituality without religion in the form of mindfulness, meditation, yoga, etc.),” Popham shares. “‘Grace Period’ has an inspiring, down-to-earth spirituality that's embedded in my transformative personal experience. Readers may find themselves noticing vestiges of divinity in the everyday.”
With a unique blend of unexpected humor and sharp truths, this book imparts to readers a demystified sense of the mystical and a sense of spiritual can-do, and offers inspiration to transform one’s trials to triumphs.
Praise for “Grace Period” from BlueInk Review:
“Anyone who has suffered, or lives with a modicum of spiritual curiosity, will want to press this book into the hands of a friend.”
“Grace Period: My Ordination to the Ordinary”
By Melinda Worth Popham
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 264 pages | ISBN 9781532017889
E-Book | 264 pages | ISBN 9781532017896
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Melinda Worth Popham was born in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1944. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Chicago and Master of Arts degrees from Yale Divinity School and Stanford. Her previous book, “Skywater,” was named an American Library Association Notable Book, honored by the California Senate and showcased in Barnes and Noble’s Discover Great New Writers. “Grace Period” is her third book. It was a Next Generation Indie Book Award finalist and one of only nine self-published, nonfiction works awarded a starred review in Publishers Weekly in 2016. Popham has two adult children and lives in Los Angeles where she is a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is currently at work on a new book.
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