Michigan Diabetic Alert Training for Dogs Warns Owners of Blood Sugar Changes After First Session
Plymouth, MI (PRWEB) October 29, 2013 -- Front Street PR recently announced that Michael Burkey, President of Michigan Dog Training (MDT) LLC, 1031 Cherry Street, Plymouth, Michigan 48170 hosted a Diabetic Alert Dog "Train the Trainer” Workshop on October 5-7, 2013. The instructor was Linda Cree owner of BFF Dog Training of Dodgeville, Wisconsin. She is a professional Diabetic Alert Dog Trainer and nurse who specializes in diabetic health and awareness.
"It is amazing how the dogs picked up on the low blood sugar scent so quickly, in just two days of training." Continues Cree, "It takes about four months total to train a DAD dog, six weeks for the scent training in various environments and four months total to complete the public access obedience training. However, during and shortly after the seminar, three dogs alerted on two participants who were not aware that their blood sugar had gone low."
In the first occasion, two dogs gave an alert on a known positive sample of low blood sugar scent but left the known scent to alert on a participant was was holding a negative sample (scent source that did not contain the low blood sugar sample). After both dogs alerted on the person, Cree urged the participant to test her blood level. She did and found her blood sugar level to be less than 70 which the dogs are trained to alert on.
In the second occasion, a participant was driving home after the seminar when her dog began to scratch at his crate and bark desperately trying to get to his owner. Two minutes later, she felt nauseous and thus pulled the car over to the side of the road. Shortly thereafter, she threw up. When she recovered enough to drive home, she tested her blood sample and found that it had also gone low to a level of approximately 66.
Burkey stated, "The seminar presented by Linda Cree was extremely informative and professional. The trainers gained the information they needed to be able to add Diabetic Alert Dog training to their list of services and/or train their own Diabetic Alert dog as some of the participants have diabetes themselves."
Persons who believe a Diabetic Alert Dog would help them manage their Diabetes should contact Michael Burkey, President of Michigan Dog Training LLC at 734-634-4152. MDT will train a DAD dog or work with a client within a training course.
Cheryl Heppard, Front Street PR, http://www.FrontStreetPR.com, 248-592-0867, [email protected]
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