Mid-Bay Bridge Connector Opening January 4th
Niceville, Florida (PRWEB) December 19, 2013 -- The Mid-Bay Bridge Authority has announced the opening of the Mid-Bay Bridge Connector Jan. 4, 2014. This new controlled access highway connects the north end of the Mid-Bay Bridge with SR 85 immediately north of Niceville and dramatically reduces the time required to drive from the Interstate to points throughout the region.
Opening day celebrations include a 5k/Half Marathon over portions of the new, scenic roadway. Run proceeds will benefit the Special Operations Warrior Foundation and promote local area athletics through the Northwest Florida Track Club.
The new Connector has interchanges at SR 85, SR 285, Forest Road, Range Road and SR 20 and North Lakeshore Drive, which allow direct access from Interstate 10 to Niceville, Destin, Miramar Beach and communities east of Niceville along SR 20. Additionally, the Connector provides an improved evacuation route from the same coastal areas.
All-electronic open road tolling is being implemented on the Connector, which allows customers to pay tolls without slowing down or stopping. Tolls will be paid through either SunPass transponders or a new Toll-By-Plate program being introduced by the Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise. http://www.floridasturnpike.com/all-electronictolling
For more information about All Electronic Tolling (AET) go to http://www.tollbyplate.com or http://www.SunPass.com
For Connector Run information and registration visit: http://nwftc.com/racing/race/?id=53
Susi Robichaux, EW Bullock Associates, +1 (850) 438-4015, [email protected]
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