Mind-blowing Infographics by Kovla Reveal All Truth About Relationships
(PRWEB) April 17, 2015 -- Kovla Limited has launched a blog on its social dating site kovla.com. The new blog will be updated every week and include posts and infographics on relationship and dating themes. Everything that online daters should know about love and relationships can be found in one place, including interesting facts, statistics and tips from the experts.
Today Kovla's team is working on statistical information that might help single people to analyze their relationship status. This analysis will help partners to improve their relationships and understand where those relations lead.
Now Kovla presents a new blog post that includes infographics with the precise description of the main stages of common relations between men and women and main points of their behavior, including long-term prospect and time commitment of each stage. Along with the list of dating stages and their description, readers will find some interesting statistics and facts about men and women and their behavior.
Blog readers will find out more truth about men and women, like: the fact that men say around 2000 words per day, when women can say more than 7000 words a day, etc.
Get tips on what to wear on a date, how representatives of both genders fall in love, and what they value more in the relationships, like: 77% of women value truth in the relationship, when only 63% of men can say the same.
The blog post «Types of Relationship» with more exciting and intriguing facts can be found at https://kovla.com/blog/
All information mentioned there is a result of experts' research and the hard work of Kovla's team.
Kovla finds one of the most popular and interesting topics for their readers, and makes sure that all statistics, and information is up-to-date and relevant for online daters.
Currently, online dating is one of the most used ways to find new friends or a partner for romantic relations. That is why Kovla does its best to support and help online daters.
A a\dating blog is one of those things that will make people's lives better. From now on there's no need to surf through the Internet to find some useful information about dating, love, friendship and relations, as online users can find it all on Kovla's blog.
About Kovla Limited:
Founded in 2012 it considered to be one of the most used dating platforms. Kovla as a dating site works on new services that can be integrated into their platform and make the website even more useful for single people that are searching for the new love.
Contact Information:
Strovolou, 77 Strovolos Center, off 204, Strovolos, 2018, Nicosia, Cyprus
Registration number: HE 316234
Alex Kovla, Kovla, +380 970684605, [email protected]
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