Mold Brings in Problems and Additional Spending to Newburgh Police Department, My Cleaning Products Gives Out Mold Removal Tips to Avoid the Extra Expenses
New York, NY (PRWEB) November 20, 2013 -- Mold has settled on Newburgh Police building. And according to a report from published on November 19, 2013, it was causing the department several problems. In response to it, My Cleaning Products recommended two organic mold removal sprays to help the public.
As said in the report, the fungus had been in the building since six months ago, My Cleaning Products shared. And as it detailed, it had been settling particularly in the men's locker room dubbed as the “flood zone.”
Its presence, the post stated, got the officers' uniforms, holsters, vests and helmets contaminated, MCP said. Moreover, it relayed that the department had accrued additional expenses replacing the equipment it damaged.
To help the officers, it was cited in the report that the office provided replacements of contaminated uniform shirts. However, when it came to the equipment, it added that they were on the own.
There were plans of renovations to solve the mold and other problems in the building, MCP said based on the report. And as it specified, the leaks, believe d to be the cause of the growth of spores, were among on the list to be repaired.
Below is a part of the post Mold Troubles Newburgh Police by My Cleaning Products.
“Mold has become a major troublemaker to Newburgh Police Department.
Caused by water leakage, it had been bringing in several problems in the department's building. It had been contaminating the police's uniforms, holsters, helmets and vests. It had also been covering their various equipment. And generally, that led to inconveniences for both officers and civilian employees, not to mention additional expenses for Newburgh Police.”
My Cleaning Products said that while keeping a house dry lessens the possibility of it being mold-infested, there are circumstances that make the spores' presence something that couldn't be avoided. Heavy rains for days and flooding are two of those instances that it cited.
Because of that, MCP stated that in such cases, as soon as possible, one must implement an inspection and mold removal, if needed. That way, the damages could be kept at a minimum, it said.
Nonetheless, when implementing a mold treatment, it stressed that one must only use safe solutions. And as it stated, Molderizer and Safe Shield could surely offer that as both are organic-based. Moreover, it shared that hotels, hospitals and mold removal companies have already proven that they kill mold and prevent its re-infestation efficiently. Hence, among other sprays, the two are the only ones it recommended.
To try them out, it shared that anyone could get Molderizer and Safe Shield Complimentary Samples at
My Cleaning Products, Mold Removal,, +1 1 (888) 440-3826, [email protected]
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