Mountain Lion Sightings in the Eastern United States
Cambridge, OH (PRWEB) February 10, 2015 -- Creature Weekend will be conducting an open forum on Mountain Lion Sightings in Ohio and the Eastern United States. The forum will be held at 10:00AM on Saturday, May 2nd at Salt Fork State Park Lodge. The forum will finish up in time for people to attend the Creature Weekend Conference which will also be held at Salt Fork State Park Lodge.
The Eastern Cougar, also known as the Puma, Panther or Mountain Lion was deemed to be extinct in the Northeastern US by a Fish and Wildlife evaluation in 2011. It is an animal which can grow from 3.5 to 5.5 feet long and the males can weigh as much as 180lbs. This species generally preys on forest mammals such as deer, mice, squirrels, porcupines, raccoons and beavers. There have even been rare instances where humans have fallen prey to Mountain Lion predation. Despite the general consensus by wildlife officials that the animal has been extirpated from this region of the United States, there have been a multitude of sightings of this animal or its tracks. Wildlife biologists counter by saying that there is simply no confirmed proof of the existence of Mountain Lions this far East. They allege that any reported mountain lion sightings are misidentifications of Bobcats or house cats and photos which have cropped up on the internet are only hoaxes or Mountain Lions photographed in the Western United States.
Thus, the question remains, “Do Mountain Lions really roam the countryside east of the Mississippi?” Join us at Creature Weekend as we delve into this mystery and debate the issue in an open forum environment. The forum will be moderated by Chad Arment, a cryptozoologist from Ohio. Eyewitnesses, researchers and skeptics are urged to participate.
Chad Arment has been involved in cryptozoological research for over 20 years. His research is focused on lesser-known mystery animals, historical surveys of North American cryptids, and the scientific methodology behind cryptozoology. Chad operates Coachwhip Publications (, a print-on-demand book publishing venture that publishes several cryptozoology titles and other authors. Chad's published works include "Cryptozoology: Science & Speculation", "Historical Bigfoot", "Varmints", "Boss Snakes". Chad will be moderating the Saturday Morning forum discussion on Mountain Lion Sightings in the Ohio area and other parts of the Northeastern United States.
About Creature Weekend: Creature Weekend is the nation’s largest annual Cryptozoology Conference held in Cambridge, Ohio. Each year, speakers from a cross-section of the field of Cryptozoology give presentations on various cryptids including Bigfoot, Yeti, Dogmen, and other creatures which defy science and the imagination. Creature Weekend 2015 will be held on May 1-3, 2015 at Salt Fork State Park in Cambridge, OH. Discounted Conference Tickets are available online while they last. For more information and a complete schedule of events, please visit or email martin(at)creatureweekend(dot)com or call 740-888-1313.
Bruce Harrington, Creature Weekend,, +1 740-888-1313, [email protected]
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