National College of Business & Technology Launches New Cybersecurity Associate Degree Program in Tennessee
(PRWEB) October 31, 2013 -- Tennessee residents will soon have access to training in the latest security techniques to defeat “hackers” and other threats to security and privacy thanks to a new associate degree program launching in December at the Tennessee Campuses of National College of Business & Technology ( The Associate of Applied Science in Cybersecurity will prepare students for entry-level careers as computer infrastructure and network security administrators, as well as for several related professional certifications.
“This curriculum was developed to meet the emerging needs of businesses and government in a field that is poised for dramatic growth,” said Tom Jackson, institutional director of information technology programs for National College of Business & Technology. “It is the first of several new programs we are developing, and will ultimately provide students an educational pathway from diplomas and certificates through the doctoral level.”
Headlines detailing information security threats – from government-sponsored attacks, nebulous groups like “Anonymous” wreaking havoc, industrial/corporate espionage, identity theft, and cybercrime – point to the growing need for information security specialists. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has projected faster than average growth – as much as 22% -- in employment opportunities in the field through the end of the decade.
There are six National College of Business & Technology campuses in Tennessee, located in Nashville, Madison, Memphis, Bartlett, Knoxville, and Bristol. Prospective students seeking more information about the cybersecurity program should contact 888-956-2732, visit their local campus, or send an email to info(at)national-college(dot)edu.
Founded in 1886, National College of Business & Technology is dedicated to the training and education of men and women for a full life and a successful career in a number of fields in business, computers, and health care. The College offers more than 45 academic programs including a master of business administration, numerous degree and diploma programs, English as a Second Language, and corporate training. Serving 31 communities through campus locations in Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana, the College currently serves approximately 7,000 students annually.
For more information, visit:
Allison Lindy, National College, +1 (540) 283-6629, [email protected]
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