Natural Bed Bug Spray EcoRaider Garnered Attention at Global Bed Bug Summit
Somerset, NJ (PRWEB) December 20, 2013 -- The two-day 2013 annual Global Bed Bug Summit, co-hosted by Bed Bug Central and the NPMA (National Pest Management Association) ended on Dec 6th, a snowy weekend in Denver. Despite the cold temperatures outside, attendees from around the world gathered to discuss the state of current practice in the field. Meanwhile they had chance to learn about ongoing research by eminent entomologists from the US and around the world who presented their research findings in the various scientific panels during the two day event. Also present were many of the big national and regional names in pest management who presented their findings on the state of current field practice and technology, and just as important, their insights into common management issues faced by all in the industry.
The purpose of the 2013 Global Bed Bus Summit was one of education. The mission was to share the current research and field data with both the professional pest control industry, and also with the consumer. According to a recent NPMA survey, 75% of pest control professionals agree that the bed problem is increasing, and 99% of pest management organizations have received customer calls about bed bugs during the past year. For most of the pest control professionals, this summit was “right on time”, especially before another holiday travel flurry starts.
One of the exhibitors, EcoRaider, an emerging contender in the natural product category and known for its efficacy against bed bugs, gave high praise to the summit. “This was a ‘don’t miss’ destination for us this year. The NPMA and Bed Bug Central did a superb job on it. It was a great program, we learned a lot, not only from the scientific and technical panels, but also from the other attendees we talked with. And, of course, it also gave us some good exposure, too” said Michael Correll, Marketing Director for EcoRaider
With its green and non-toxic labeling EcoRaider stands out among many other similar products by virtue of the sound data on its effectiveness against bed bugs¬. EcoRaider’s efficacy in killing bed bugs was reported in an independent study published recently by Rutgers University in Pest Control Technology Magazine ( read full article here).
"We are thrilled by the strong interest in and acceptance of EcoRaider at the Denver Bed Bug Summit,” said EcoRaider Director of Sales, Sam Shaffer who also attended the show. “We had pest management professionals and housing authorities placing orders right at our booth! They are eager to integrate our product into their operation. This kind of response to EcoRaider shows that there is a clear need for a bed bug remediation product that is not only effective in killing bed bugs, but that is also safe for people and the environment. And it’s relatively low cost and low maintenance for the pest management professional is important, too. We think that EcoRaider can indeed be a game changer on all these points.”
During two days of scientific presentations and educational sessions, the topic of bed bug resurgence and resistance stood front and center. As Dr. Michael Potter, entomologist and a well-known bed bug researcher at the University of Kentucky pointed out at his seminar, “The evolution of insecticide resistance could be a primary factor in explaining this resurgence.” He and his team at University of Kentucky have long been studying bed bug resistance to conventional synthetic pesticides. A recent paper by Dr. Potter’s research team, published in the journal of Natural( read full article here), revealed that bed bugs have developed 5 different mechanisms at the genetic level to neutralize synthetic pesticide toxins, such as Pyrethroids.
Over the past few years, the trend toward “greener” bed bug remediation has spurred the growth of heat based solutions. Many of these heat based solutions were on exhibit at the Summit. In recent years, a number of pest control professionals have turned to heat, however the overall effectiveness of heat remediation has also been called into question. And safety issues have also been cited.
With the inability to find the “perfect” solution – a silver bullet -- to answer all these concerns, many pest management companies have turned away from accepting bed bug treatment jobs,. Some have even called to “bring DDT back.” DDT was heavily used as a bed bug treatment in the early 1950s, as well as being a primary agricultural pesticide in the post World War II period. It was banned in the early 70s due to it is irreversible destructive impact to health and ecological systems. “You DO not want to bring DDT back,” as Greg Baumann, Vice-President of Rollins Inc, one of world’s largest pest management companies, and parent organization to Orkin, Inc, pointed out in his session, He added, “We learn from our mistakes.”
Meanwhile, research continues on many fronts. In the laboratory and in the field, universities such as Rutgers University, Ohio State University, Virginia Tech and Kentucky University are working to identify effective new chemical combinations or devices that will be effective – and safe -- in the war against bed bugs.
Research is also taking place in the private sector. As the trend toward greener solutions continues and Integrated Pest Management concepts become more widely adopted, it is likely that more research will focus on ‘natural’ methods of pest control,
“There is an old saying, ‘Ultimately, nature wins,’” said Michael Correll from EcoRaider. “This is particularly true with insects developing resistance to man-made pesticides. But it is also true in another sense. Nature has already evolved the compounds to overcome insect pests. That’s what we’ve learned. And we are strongly committed to continuing our research efforts to develop people-safe, ecologically sound solutions to pest management issues, and to be a leader in green pest management technology.”
It appears the race is on. A race between resurgent and increasingly pesticide resistant bed bugs and new safe and green plant based solutions that will stem the tide of bed bug resurgence. The results from next year’s Global Bed Bug Summit should be quite interesting.
Meanwhile, as the Holiday travels season is starting, timely reminders from experts at the 2013 Global Bed Bug Summit are helpful to prevent travelers from bringing any creepy, crawling, bed bugs home: thorough inspection of the hotel room, do not leave your cloth on the bed, tumble dry clothing after returning home. And if there is a need for handy treatment, EcoRaider can be a good option. As the old saying goes, “an ounce of prevention can save a pound of cure.”
About EcoRaider
EcoRaider is a brand name of botanical based non-toxic bio-insecticide, manufactured by Reneotech, Inc, a New Jersey based company. The company is the leader in developing innovative pest management products using the latest phytochemical technology. EcoRaider All-Natural Bed Bug Killer, as company’s core product, is known for both its FDA GRAS standard child-safe ingredients and lab certified 100% efficacy of killing bed bugs. For more information, visit:
Michael Correll, Reneotech Inc,, 201 751 0011 Ext: x106, [email protected]
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