New Book Aims to Generate Public Support for Innovative Cancer Research
Madison, Wisconsin (PRWEB) February 25, 2015 -- Dr. Jack Westman's new book The Cancer Solution: Taking Charge of Your Life with Cancer offers a usable handbook for cancer for both patients and health care professionals. Dr. Westman's personal experience with cancer led him to extensively research the current state of cancer care. He found strategies and techniques outside of the mainstream cancer field that have shown promising results. His book empowers patients to take control of their lives with cancer and to become advocates for improving cancer research and treatment by urging Congress to support American Society of Clinical Oncology initiatives as outlined in its 2011 report Accelerating Progress Against Cancer and its 2012 report Shaping the Future of Oncology: Envisioning Cancer Care in 2030.
Dr. Westman documents the evidence that there will be a major change in the way cancer is treated over the next ten years. Anyone receiving cancer care can take charge of their cancer treatment now by complementing it through diet and nutritional supplements that have been shown to prevent cancer and reverse its growth and by having knowledge about their cancer that they can share with their doctors.
Dr. Westman uses the following analogy. The sun rises and the sun sets. It seems like the sun rotates around the Earth. Cancer cells rise and are killed by surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. It seems like cancer is a disease. But the sun does not rotate around the Earth, and cancer is not a disease. The many kinds of cancer cells are the products of the disease neoplasia that can emerge in organs and tissues.
Much of the failure of the War on Cancer─and more importantly, much of the potential for finally winning it─has to do with the definition of cancer.
OLD MODEL: Treatment is determined by a tumor’s location in the body without regard for the molecular characteristics of the patient or the tumor and for the environment of the tumor.
NEW MODEL: Research will focus on how cancer cells evade the natural defenses in the body’s immune system that prevent and stop the formation of cancer cells through the process of neoplasia. This kind of research is finally beginning to lead to the successful treatment of some forms of cancer and should be given the highest priority.
About the Author
Dr. Jack C. Westman is professor emeritus of psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. He is president of Wisconsin Cares, Inc., a nonprofit advocacy organization for families, and has been president of three professional organizations. He has written more than 150 professional publications and 12 books.
Jack Westman, Westman Enterprises,, +1 (727) 393-8506, [email protected]
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