(PRWEB) January 14, 2015 -- PITTSTON, Pa.– The author Brian Barr has always thought that there is more to God’s words and plans than what is being taught in the traditional churches. In “God’s Plan for Us” (published by Xlibris) the author gives people a true translation of God’s plan of salvation for humanity through this highly spiritual book.
This book is to give us an understanding about “God’s Plan for Us” what happened in the first earth age, why God started this earth age, when God made the different race of people, what is to come in the third and final earth age when Jesus returns, which month Jesus was born on, the correct day that Jesus was crucified, and fallen angels that came to earth and corrupted the earth and had children with the daughters of Adam, which means mankind.
This multi-faceted book about God captures the essence of God’s true plans and how humanity can achieve their true potential through God’s guidance.
“God’s Plan for Us”
By Brian Barr
Hardcover | 6x9in | 68pages | ISBN 9781499085303
Softcover | 6x9in | 68pages | ISBN 9781499085310
E-Book | 68pages | ISBN 9781499085327
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Brian Barr, who is a Christian, resides in Pennsylvania with his wife and three children and is a small-business owner. He grew up in the Bahamas, and as a little boy, he attended a Baptist church. He always felt strongly that there was much more to God’s Word than what was taught in the church’s system. As a young adult, Brian began to study God’s Word more in depth and was introduced to the Shepherd’s Chapel and to Pastor Arnold Murray through his great friend Pastor Levi Rolle.
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