New Education Research Association to Start No-Cost Tuition Campaign on February 1st -by Altstarr Inc.
(PRWEB) January 27, 2015 -- Since spring 2014, two students from Osaka have been studying hard for their upcoming exams. They are taking full advantage of the education provided by the Private Tutoring School led by the CEO of the New Education Research Association, Toshiyuki Fukumori. These Private Tutor Schools are part of a group of cram schools, whose mission it is to provide tuition to those who need it.
The two high school students are both from a local children's home but are set on entering university to better their circumstances. However at a certain point, financially they felt that it wasn't much more than a pipe dream. At the brink of giving up, they were introduced to Mr. Fukumori who put them straight into his Private Tuition Campus, without asking for anything in return.
On the 17th and 18th of this month, Japanese universities and national test centers hold their entrance exams, where students attempt to enter their dream universities. This year the numbers of test-takers reached approximately 520,000. One of the students who received free tuition is aiming to enter the very famous Kansai University, the other is currently taking their examinations to become a public servant. Although they haven't received their results yet, their enthusiasm and confidence towards the exams have made Mr. Fukumori feel like it was all worth it.
He calls towards all educators and education institutions to take the initiative by offering tuition to those who need it, without considering the financial reward. "By doing so," he says, "it will allow us to stop the widening of financial disparity and increase opportunities for children to get a better education.”
To get the ball rolling and to encourage those in power to give, Mr. Fukumori has announced that from February 1st, the New Education Research Association will be starting its "Free Tuition Campaign".
Mr. Fukumori has recently received a great deal of attention in the Japanese business world for his ideas and attitude towards philanthropy. While he has been praised to a great extent for his management and business prowess, it is his philosophy towards education and charity that is setting him out from the rest.
He believes that in order for children to have a prosperous future, he wants to give them an equally bright education. This is particularly important for children from low-income families, as in his eyes, everyone deserves the opportunity to have a great education. The Free Tuition Campaign is one project of many for him to achieve this goal.
The aim is to eliminate inequality in education while providing everyone with the chance to learn without breaking the bank. These are the reasons why Mr. Fukumori isn't just a terrific educator, but he is also a great philosopher, looking towards the future of children's education.
Through the special schools, "Special leadership campus" and "Main leadership school", Mr. Fukumori has fostered a team of staff who share the same ideals and understanding, creating tutoring schools that are united under the same ideals to create social change.
A business that is experiencing a continued surge in sales, while also making a profit is nothing new. However,the forward thinker Mr. Fukumori is not satisfied simply building up Japanese businesses, he is determined to provide education and chances to those who don't have them. These are the reasons why not only Japanese educational institutions, but also the world, ought to pay attention.
Company Information: New Education Research Association, Inc.
Representative Director: Toshiyuki Fukumori
Business: Operation and development of teaching materials and tutoring schools
Founded in March 1993
Established in December 1996
Capital: 40 million yen (other capital reserves 10 million yen)
Number of classrooms: Approx. 200 schools
Number of students: Approx.10,000 people
With Kansai at the centre, schools are also run in areas such as Aichi, Okayama and Ehime.
Inquiries about the New Education Research Association, Inc.
New Education Research Association, Inc. TEL: 06-6352-3910 Contact: Ms. Ora
Head Office: #201 Shin Nihon Tenma Building, 1-10-12, Higashitenma, Kita-ku, Osaka, JAPAN
Headline and story by Altstarr.Inc. Quotes from Toshiyuki Fukumori.
Ibrahim Dia, Shinkyoiku Sougou Kenkyukai,, +81 9020159838, [email protected]
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