New Educator Case Studies From Pearson Demonstrate Improved Achievement in College Mathematics and Statistics Courses
WASHINGTON, DC (PRWEB) April 12, 2017 -- Pearson today unveiled educator case studies demonstrating the measurable impact that teaching with MyLab™ Math and MyLab™ Statistics digital learning technologies has on improved learner outcomes in mathematics and statistics. The interactive educator studies and video testimonials feature two-year institutions that have successfully delivered innovative gateway college credit courses using various implementation models. These courses include liberal arts students who often take only a single terminal math or statistics course, nursing students who need to master units, or STEM students aiming for graduate school, and learners with extensive skills gaps, despite solid standardized test scores.
Stanly Community College (SCC), located in Albemarle, NC, developed an innovative two-week bootcamp intervention for all incoming mathematics and statistics students, built around MyLab Math and MyLab Statistics. Named “Let’s Go Racing” after North Carolina’s popular racing industry, it has driven major pre- to post-test gains in all courses and improved course success rates. For instance, SCC’s Quantitative Literacy course success rates increased 39 percentage points in Fall 2015 and 46 percentage points in Spring 2016. Overall, Brigette Myers, department head of mathematics, has found MyLab Math to be a very positive experience because the instructors and students typically find it to be very user-friendly.
“MyLab Math has made my job much easier as both an instructor and as the head of the math department,” said Myers. “All sections of each course use the same assignments which helps provide homogenization across course sections.”
Myers and her colleague Heather Hill, vice president for academic affairs, SCC, will present their case study during the presentation, “Accelerated Learning: Preparing Students to be College-Ready” at the 2017 American Association of Community Colleges Conference on April 24 from 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel, New Orleans, LA (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Room 207).
Part of the Dallas County Community College District, Richland College (RLC) has focused on teaching, learning, and community building for more than 40 years. Teaching gateway courses, such as statistics, presents a number of challenges. Some of the challenges instructors face include transparency in grades and grading, providing students personalized and immediate feedback and help, and allowing for diverse learning experiences. By adopting MyLab Statistics for her Elementary Statistics course, Yolanda Manzano, professor of mathematics, aimed to improve grading transparency, offer instant feedback and personalized help, support diverse learning styles, and identify even more opportunities to innovate. Data for this course show a strong positive correlation between students’ MyLab Statistics homework averages and test averages. Data also indicate that students who earned higher MyLab Statistics homework averages and study plan scores, showing mastery of course material by earning an overall A/B/C course grade, had average MyLab Statistics homework scores 42 percent higher and average study plan scores 83 percent higher than students who earned a D/F in the course.
Learn more about instructors, administrators and students from Stanly Community College and Richland College, and listen to them talk about their experiences.
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Scott Overland, Pearson Education, Inc., +1 (202) 909-4520, [email protected]
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