New Memoir Shares Wife’s Journey Dealing with Husband’s Drug Addiction
(PRWEB) January 28, 2015 -- “The Wife” (published by Xlibris) is a poignant, absorbing memoir told from a wife’s point of view dealing with her husband’s secret drug addiction and the marital, professional and legal struggles that arose along with it.
In many ways, author Anne O. Nimmus wrote this book as a process of self-discovery. She felt like she had completely lost herself in her husband’s disease and wanted to find herself again. In the process, she had found that many of the truths she had learned were beneficial to close friends and felt encouraged to write her account in order to give others the same hope she was learning to gain herself.
Told from her perspective, it examines events that have occurred with her husband as their marital relationship devolved into chaos. Throughout the first part of the book, their marriage is on the constant brink of destruction as readers follow her discovering her husband’s secret. Just when all hope is lost and divorce seems imminent, her husband divulges his secret — that he is an addict and soon to be a felon. The second half of the book reveals their own personal journeys as they recover from the aftermath and strive to restore their relationship.
“The Wife” is a personal, touching account from the perspective of a codependent spouse of a drug addict, with personal insight to self-discovery and reclaiming love and happiness that were lost to addiction. It explores the greater impact of addiction, inviting discussion about personal and societal relationships affected by it. This book reveals to readers that there is hope for restored love in the face of adversity and compassion for those afflicted with diseases they did not ask for, as it provides to readers a better understanding of the crippling grip of addiction.
“The Wife”
By Anne O. Nimmus
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 274 pages | ISBN 9781499045543
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 274 pages | ISBN 9781499045550
E-Book | 274 pages | ISBN 9781499045536
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Anne O. Nimmus is an Occupational Therapist by education and a wife and mother by choice. She is recovering from CD. That is not to say she is a recovering chemically dependent person, but is a recovering codependent person. By profession, she values independence immensely, believing that it is the ultimate achievement for a person. She has never imagined that she would ever submit to being anything but independent. She discovered these illnesses go hand in hand and is now working to maintain a healthy relationship with herself and those she loves.
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