New Really Cool Humans Digital Amateur TV Network Launches Today
Salt Lake City, UT (PRWEB) January 21, 2016 -- Today, the founder of the Really Cool Humans digital TV network, a new subscription-based, amateur TV network, announced the launch of their Season 1 lineup of Really Cool Humans amateur TV.
“Really Cool Humans TV is a new family-friendly digital TV network that showcases really cool humans who wouldn’t be given a chance to share their stories, strategies and solutions on the advertising-ruled networks,” said Kim Power Stilson, RCH TV co-founder. “If content is king, then the Really Cool Humans TV Network has created a family-friendly kingdom full of really cool human content."
Founders of the Really Cool Human digital TV Network were inspired by Troy Dunn, TV producer and star of The Locator, to create amateur content for his Studios Network platform. This allows people who would not usually have the chance to be on TV, or amateurs with a really cool story, to have a platform to reach viewers.
“The best stories, from the world’s most amazing people have yet to be seen on TV,” said MaryLyn Linge, RCH TV Executive Producer. “People are hungry for content accessible from their tablets, phones and TV. The Really Cool Humans TV Network will provide powerful and inspirational content.”
The Season 1 lineup includes the following Really Cool Humans from all walks of life, ranging from comedians to wellness experts, who share their stories, strategies and solutions.
Meet the Really Cool Humans and their shows!
Laura Jacobs, A Healer in Every Home
Frank Davis, Whole-Food Warrior
Dr. Carolyn McGuire, Common Sense Vet
Charles Henson, Scott Beck and David Rudduck, InSecurITy TV
Jennifer Clifford, Align the Power of You
Warren Matthews, XtendLife
Barb Stuart, Surthrival Stories
Dr. Hatch and Dr. Oliver, The Neuro Clinic
Joseph Moyle & Crew, Skitshow
Karie Powell, Organic with Love
Dr. Mark Jensen, Beauty Beyond Skin Deep
Rebecca Peterson, Rebecca’s Rhythm
Shania Juzil, Family Away from Home
Ted Hallisey, Cowboy Ted
Trapper Roderick, True Gentleman
Charan Prabhakar, Adventures of Ravi
Jens Peterson, Game Changers
Really Cool Humans TV (RCH TV) network focuses on stories, strategies and solutions of real people who the world may not have heard about on traditional media platforms. The RCH TV network season is January 21st to May 31st with new content available online weekly. Its second season starts in June. Viewers can soon access episodes of the Really Cool Human TV network with internet streaming devices ranging from the Roku Box, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Chromecast, Xbox 360, and right now
Madelyne DenoVellis, Really Cool Humans digital TV Network,, +1 801-358-3649, [email protected]
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