New SpotterRF Mobile Radar System Deters Drone Attacks and Ground Threats in One Day
Las Vegas, NV--ISC West (PRWEB) April 15, 2015 -- SpotterRF, the leader in low cost compact surveillance radar, today announced immediate availability of its new SS-Mobile-Remote system. Already deployed in ground surveillance and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) tracking environments, SS-Mobile-Remote ships and installs within 24 hours anywhere in the continental U.S. Test installations for Black Sage (Boise Airport) and others demonstrate 100 percent effectiveness at very low cost. The new system may be seen in action at ISC West booth #29089. Please see video of SpotterRF in action with drones at at
“Electric utilities, airports, and other critical infrastructure are under increasing pressure to secure porous perimeters,” states Logan Harris, CEO for SpotterRF. “Threats facing the nation’s 55,000 electric substations are real and urgent, including $1 billion in copper theft each year. In addition, recent airport security breaches pose an astounding risk. SS Mobile Remote provides rapid deployment of wide area surveillance that nails bad guys for a minimal investment.”
In addition to SpotterRF’s spotless record of intercepting ground threats, SS-Mobile-Remote is highly effective in detecting drones (UAV). With the $2.5 billion non-military drone market growing 15 percent per year*, the potential threat of inexpensive drones demands an affordable detection option. Low level drones are detected at up to several hundred meters over a wide areas by SS-Mobile-Remote. Once deployed, this kit provides an invisible detection perimeter around any wide open area.
Back on the ground, just two weeks after installation of Spotter’s new mobile kit, security personnel detected suspicious activity outside the fence line at a Utah electrical substation. The Spotter radar robotic system detected motion inside the invisible protected perimeter and immediately alerted staff via cell phone alert. The system cued an on-board camera to track, record and report the perpetrator’s break-in and entry, as well as attempted copper theft inside the substation. Police were quickly dispatched, catching the thieves in the act.
“We are pleased with the performance of the SpotterRF system in this brazen thwarted theft,” stated Steve Silva, security manager for a major electrical utility. “We proactively seek to secure the power system by utilizing the best technology. The SpotterRF mobile system is the Special Forces of commercial security. With its quick setup and tear down features, we use these security systems to cover far more sites for less money.”
SpotterRF SS-Mobile-Remote is a man-portable system providing:
- Rapid protection with overnight expedited installation and configuration anywhere in the U.S.
- Easy installation requiring no tools or approvals to install in a substation environment. Utilizes magnetic mounts for semi permanent installation on metal structures
- Real time intrusion alerts and photos/videos of intruders via cell modem Internet connection
- Simple transport via Pelican case packaging where the the combined weight is less than 60 lbs. Checks as baggage on all airlines
The new mobile system can cost less than $50,000, including installation. It typically pays for itself in savings in 45 days. Savings include eliminating the need for a 24x7 security guard costing $1,200/day. It avoids the expense of numerous surveillance cameras costing thousands of dollars. Total savings easily exceed $350,000 per year, every year, for just one substation. And, the radar never takes a coffee break.
With the successful deployment of SpotterRF in wide-open areas like Exxon’s Alaska oil fields, Spotter radar expands the range at which perimeter intrusion is detected. San Diego County uses SpotterRF radar to protect its vital dam system. The US Navy has tested and Catalina Sea Ranch uses this radar to monitor harbor traffic. The Maryland Department of Transportation currently uses SpotterRF to protect high traffic bridges. The State of Arizona currently seeks funding to expand its use of SpotterRF radar to better secure its border with Mexico. These deployments all demonstrate SpotterRF’s performance under harsh all-weather conditions.
SpotterRF radar units come in many sizes, weigh as little as 1.5 lbs. each, use less energy than a light bulb (approx. 8W each), and has been integrated with Vindicator, Exacqvision, AFT from SAIC and other Video Management System (VMS) software. Operator training takes less than 30 minutes in the field.
About SpotterRF
SpotterRF, the Special Forces of Commercial Security, provides protection beyond fences with the world’s most advanced and effective Compact Surveillance Radar (CSR). Spotter radar secures perimeters hundreds of meters beyond the fence line. Made in the USA and engineered for extreme conditions, SpotterRF technology is the most lightweight, energy efficient, and cost-effective radar for securing elite warfighters and critical infrastructure. SpotterRF protects wide-open, all-weather areas like ExxonMobil’s Alaska oil fields, Mt. Rushmore, electrical substations, power plants, San Diego dams and Maryland bridges. For a data sheet, visit
Media Contact:
Rita Tennyson, PilmerPR
Rita Tennyson, PilmerPR,, +1 3107799747, [email protected]
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