New-to-Kelowna Realtor Jumps in with Major Art Gallery Sponsorship
Kelowna, BC (PRWEB) April 28, 2015 -- Who’s Mark Walker? Well, there are at least two in Kelowna. Yes, the city is now that big. The newest Mark Walker recently moved here from Alberta and, like most of us, he came for the lifestyle. But Mark’s not just enjoying the weather, he’s getting involved by investing in his new home, both personally and professionally.
A few years ago, Mark hired someone to manage his successful real estate business in Alberta and set out to live the dream. He made the move to Kelowna, purchased a home, got the kids in school, set up his company, secured office space, hired staff and is now focusing on cultivating relationships within the community. “For me, it’s about more than just a house and a job. I came here to enhance life experience for myself and my family. And to help others do the same,” says Mark.
“For twelve years, my wife supported me while I grew my real estate practice in Alberta,” he explains. “Now, it’s also her time to enjoy the fruits of our labour. Both she and my daughter enjoy art and love to paint.” When Mark’s neighbour, a Kelowna Art Gallery board member, suggested an opportunity to foster local art, food and wine, it proved the perfect fit. “Mother’s Day is coming early this year,” jokes Mark.
In fact, for the next five years, Walker Real Estate has committed to a title sponsorship of Kelowna Art Gallery’s Appetite for Art Fundraiser. At the 2015 event on Saturday May 2nd, guests look forward to a turn-of-the-century carnival-themed fête featuring live entertainment, food and wine pairings from five of the region’s finest chefs and a selection of art for purchase. Proceeds go toward ongoing educational and children’s programming at the gallery.
“By getting and staying involved, I’m constantly reminded of why we moved here. Meeting new people, exploring the area and experiencing all it has to offer keeps my finger on the pulse,” says Mark. As a realtor, there’s an advantage to not being born and raised here. Just like his clients who come to Kelowna excited to discover all there is to see and do in the Okanagan, Mark’s positive energy is infectious. And it’s generating results. “We have a hand-picked staff of friendly, optimistic and committed real estate professionals here,” he adds. “It’s my dream team! And even though we’re smaller than the Alberta office, our numbers have been topping theirs for six months. With the right people, anything is possible.”
Mark Walker is ready to take in all that Kelowna has to offer... and give back too. “Wine, art, snowboarding, golf, mountain biking... I’m there,” says Mark. Kelowna can expect the Art Galley fundraiser to be the first of many Walker Real Estate sponsored community events to come.
Mark Walker, Walker Real Estate, +1 (250) 863-6063, [email protected]
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