New Tool Launched to Help People Identify Their Perfect Job
Amarillo, TX (PRWEB) January 29, 2014 -- According to Adeco, more than 80% of Americans don't like their job. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that close to 80% of people go to work in a field unrelated to their major, when they graduate college.
With all of these people being unhappy, one company took it upon themselves to come up with a solution. "I know how frustrating it is to not know what job is right for yourself. I wanted to find a way to help other people avoid the frustration that I went through when I was younger," said Jody Holland, CEO of iWorkZone, Inc. Holland described the process of helping people identify, at no cost to them, the job that is just right.
“There are two key components that must be measured in order to know if a person will like the job and the environment, as well as be passionate about what they are doing. I wanted to create a system that would help people understand their behavioral makeup as well as their work type interests and then match those of the potential jobs that they would be good at and enjoy," said Holland. Based on the statistics, and the number of people who indicate that they’re unhappy in their work, it seems like it is time to do something.
The new site for the Amarillo area, this site allows any job seeker or student from the age of 14 and up to participate in a free career test. The test takes about 20 minutes to complete. The individual receives their report back as soon as they are done.
Jason Davis, a local job seeker, said, “it's not finding a job that's that tough. I currently have a bad job. The trick, as I see it, is to find that right job that I will love. I'm looking forward to taking the test and figuring out the next direction for my life." It seems that this is a system that is good for both the job seeker and the employer.
Employers want to find people who will love their job and stick around. Jobseekers want to find that right job that they will love and want to stick around for.
Any job seeker or student that is interested in participating, can do so for free by going to and clicking on the register button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. They will self register with their email address and a password that they choose, confirm their account through their email, and then there in and taking the test. In around 20 minutes, a person can figure out what they ought to do when they grow up.
For further information, contact Jordan Fabrizio at 806-355-5567, Ext 702, or via email at
Jody Holland, iWorkZone,, 806-355-5567, [email protected]
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