New Topics Addressed at Annual Therapies in the School Conference by Continuing Education Provider Education Resources Inc.
Boston, Massachusetts (PRWEB) September 21, 2015 -- Nationally acclaimed speakers including Doreit Bialer, Susan Cecere, Barbara Hodge and John Pagano, will address best strategies to support students with sensory and motor challenges, as well as mental health issues, motor issues in autism, gaining postural stability and bilateral coordination, visual spatial strategies to facilitate early literacy development, practical tools to handle aggression, intervention for fine motor skills, embedded interventions to overcome barriers to school participation as well as issues working with the moderately-severely involved child.
This course is recommended for physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, occupational therapists, occupational therapist assistants, speech-language pathologists, speech assistants, special education coordinators, special educators, teachers, school administrators, and other professionals working with school-aged children. Participants will earn 12 contact hours (1.2 CEUs) while growing their skills and networking with other therapists and educators.
"This course is excellent. I have been treating for eleven years and this course gave me a renewed passion for my job. The information was very pertinent and new for the field. It was great for any school therapist. It's nice to have a course designed for the job I do" - Kathryn Biel, physical therapist.
The course will be held on November 19-20th at the Sheraton Framingham Hotel in Framingham, Massachusetts. Therapists and educators may register directly through Education Resources Inc.
Education Resources Inc. is a leading provider of evidence-based continuing education for physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech language pathologists, assistants, educators and other health care professionals. For over 25 years, Education Resources Inc. and its esteemed faculty have educated therapists around the world on the latest topics applicable to clinicians practicing across the entire continuum of care. Education Resources, Inc. is co-owned by two therapists and is based in Massachusetts.
Alyson Loria, Education Resources, Inc.,, +1 (508) 359-6533, [email protected]
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