New Translation of ‘Yiddish Literature in America 1870-2000’ Released
NEW YORK (PRWEB) June 08, 2016 -- Translator Barnett Zumoff was inspired to create and publish his 3-volume English translation of “Yiddish Literature in America 1870–2000-Volume 1” (published by Xlibris) when he read the original Yiddish work compiled by Emanuel Goldsmith, which he considered a landmark in the history of Yiddish culture – a once- in-a-lifetime publication. He felt it was essential to make this material available to readers who cannot read and understand Yiddish and the result is the present volume of translation.
This English translation of Volume 1 of the eventual three volumes presents about one-fourth of Goldsmiths’s original material, so that readers who do not know Yiddish can have the pleasure of sampling this great literature. Selections from great authors such as Sholem Aleichem, Moris Rozenfeld, Dovid Edelshtat, Avrom Reyzen, Sholem Ash, Yehoyesh, Ana Margolin, Tsilye Drapkin, Mani Leyb, Moyshe-Leyb Halpern, Kadye Molodovsky, Rokhl Korn, H. Leyvik, Yankev Glatshteyn, Itsik Manger, Reyzl Zhikhlinsky and Yitskhok Bashevis Zinger (Isaac Bashevis Singer) will delight them and will stimulate them to delve further into the world of Yiddish literature. The other two volumes of the translation will fill out the picture.
“This translation appeals to our love for Jewish cultural history and the Yiddish language,” Zumoff says. “No comparably large and inclusive anthology of translated Yiddish literature exists today.”
“Yiddish Literature in America 1870–2000” hopes to inculcate in the minds of readers a love for Jewish and Yiddish culture as well as provide them with a view of how they were transmitted to Jewish readers over the past century and a half.
“Yiddish Literature in America 1870–2000”
By Barnett Zumoff
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 402 pages | ISBN 9781514436523
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 402 pages | ISBN 9781514436530
E-Book | 402 pages | ISBN 9781514436547
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Barnett Zumoff is an internationally renowned teacher and researcher in the field of endocrinology; he has published 250 papers in that field. He currently holds the title of Professor of Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. In addition to these accomplishments in the field of medicine, he has had a long and productive career in the field of Yiddish cultural activity. He was a longtime president of the Forward Association and the Workmen’s Circle and is currently president of the Congress for Jewish Culture and vice president of the Jewish National Theatre-Folksbiene. He has published 26 volumes of translation from Yiddish literature.
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