New Year’s Resolution Begins with Internal Cleanse Specific for Women/Men
Ashland, OR (PRWEB) January 09, 2017 -- The holidays are over and it’s time to start making healthy choices for a change. Keeping the family entertained and fed throughout the holidays and juggling that precious work-life balance leaves many people feeling a bit frazzled. Maybe it’s the overindulging on all the great holiday fare, those fast food fixes or simply the glass of wine enjoyed at the end of a long day to wind down, but the holidays can take a toll on both health and vitality.
All of this – whether it’s stress, alcohol, drugs, processed foods, or chemical pollutants and environmental toxins in our air, water, and food – places a burden on the body’s natural defenses. This leaves many feeling run down and susceptible to a variety of health complaints especially now as the cold and flu season is in full swing.
While it is helpful to eat a clean, organic diet and drink juices, such practices alone are not enough to eliminate environmental toxins from the body.
It turns out that the new year is the most ideal (and most frequent) time of the year to opt for an internal cleanse. Those looking to feel better, improve skin health, and even lose some weight are turning to internal cleansing, using a natural dietary supplement to support the body’s cleansing processes.
Whole Body Cleansing
“When waste and toxins accumulate in the body, they can be difficult to remove and a drag on the body’s restorative processes,” says Jeff VanHecke, at Yerba Prima (, an herbal supplement company credited with developing the first whole body internal cleanse. “Whole body cleansing is the most effective way to remove such accumulated chemicals through all 7 channels of elimination: the bowels, blood, skin, kidneys, lungs, liver, and lymphatic system.”
It is important, however, to be careful of when choosing an internal cleansing because some practices may be too aggressive with unwanted side effects.
“Many cleanse systems on the market today contain harsh stimulant laxatives,” says VanHecke. “This can make ‘camping out’ in the bathroom necessary or create laxative dependency, which shuts down the body’s ability to evacuate or eliminate. Some strict fasting regimens can also be unsafe. It is better to use a variety of fiber types, over a longer period, to work naturally with your body.”
Yerba Prima ( follows this approach with its whole body internal cleansers, which integrate Ayurvedic, Chinese, European and Native American traditions in complete cleansing programs.
With 35 natural ingredients, including a combination of herbs and 5 different types of fiber, the company’s Women’s Renew internal cleansing system, for instance, is designed to enhance good digestion, nutrient assimilation, waste and toxin elimination, energy stability and hormonal balance, as well as the control of yeast, parasites, and other harmful organisms. Typically, this is taken as capsules with breakfast and dinner and at least 8 oz. of water daily for 30 days.
“Cleansing with a full range of fiber types is very effective for weight loss and maintenance,” adds VanHecke. “It promotes good digestion, speeds food transit time, and creates a feeling of satiety so you feel fuller longer.” Among the ingredients included in the internal cleansers are triphala, magnesium, and calcium to help strengthen and rebuild the lining of the colon as well as fructo-oligosaccharides to build friendly intestinal bacteria.
Because Yerba Prima recognized that men and women have different physiological and nutritional needs, it created the only whole body internal cleansing program designed specifically for each gender. For instance, the company includes chaste-tree berry extract, the fruit of a small tree native to Central Asia which has been used for thousands of years to ease menstrual-related issues, in its Women’s Renew system.
“Many women feel at the mercy of unpleasant changes in their monthly cycles,” says VanHecke. “Chaste-tree berry and dong quai root extract both support the cleansing process by balancing female hormones and supporting positive female energy in a gentler, less aggressive way than caffeine. The combination of cleansing and balance helps women feel healthier and more energetic throughout the month.”
As the new year begins men and women looking to give themselves a little TLC will find that whole body cleansing may be just what they need to enhance their health and appearance.
Greg Rankin, Power PR, Inc.,, +1 310-787-1940, [email protected]
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