New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation Now Offers Acupuncture Services to Treat Orthopedic Disorders
New York, NY (PRWEB) March 24, 2015 -- Now, patients with a variety of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal problems will have acupuncture as an optional new form of treatment. This 3,000 year old Asian healing technique was proven to be safe and effective for treating many conditions according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health in 1997. Since then, acupuncture has been growing bigger and bigger as a treatment for people who suffer from orthopedic disorders. Acupuncture stimulates specific anatomic points in the body to provide pain relief and promote a natural self-healing process. Acupuncture helps the energy flow or Qi in the body which becomes imbalanced when injuries occur to the body. The number of treatments necessary, varies from patient to patient. Some people can feel dramatically better after just one treatment, while others could need one to two treatments per week.
In 1996, the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of acupuncture needles as medical devices. This change assisted in lifting the barrier for acupuncture treatments to be covered by insurance companies for people suffering from chronic pain. The needles are used to send electrical properties that send chemical neurotransmitters through the body. The human body is made of pathways that contain over 2,000 acupuncture points.
According to the University of Maryland, people suffering from moderate to severe pain can benefit more from acupuncture than taking pain medicine alone. Three groups were formed using 570 participants. The groups were educational in which the patients received education about arthritis, the second group received Chinese acupuncture and the third received sham acupuncture where the needles touched the patient’s body but did not go through the skin. This study went on for 26 weeks with results being recorded at four weeks, eight weeks, 14 weeks and 26 weeks.
The results of this 26 week study were measured with a standard arthritis measurement called the Western-Ontario McMaster Index:
• 40% improvement in the true acupuncture group in both pain and function.
New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy Clinic use specialized diagnostic methods and advanced technology to determine the best treatment method for their patients. NYDNR can assist with many neuromuscular and musculoskeletal problems including orthopedic, sports medicine and back pain. This facility is the first private, outpatient gait lab in New York City. NYDNRehab has over 15 years of experience and is consistently staying up to date with the latest breakthroughs in physical therapy and chiropractic. The clinic is not only the most advanced in NYC when it comes to having a complete sports and running clinic, but NYDNRehab is the most advanced rehab center in movement performance and injury prevention clinic in the United States.
New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy are pleased to be implementing acupuncture as a single treatment and a component to the interdisciplinary. Durning the month of April, acupuncture will be discounted 50% off for all patients. Acupuncture can assist in improving a patient’s health in alliance with pain medication or can be used in the place of medication.
Lev Kalika, Neuromuscular Rehabilitation,, +1 (917) 880-0138, [email protected]
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