NIS Has Another Successful Independent Field Test
(PRWEB) July 11, 2016 -- After running one of their Wartsila Diesel Engines during normal working hours and conditions it was proven that when added, NanoLub® AC-1000 AW/AF additive reduced metal to metal contact eliminating elements that can cause friction. While using NanoLub® AC-1000 AW/AF additive the Generoca team saw a dramatic decrease in wear based on the almost none existent metal particles in the samples they took. This was the most evident in the case of lead particles with started at 3 PPM and was reduced to 0 PPM!
While effectively increasing both Zinc and Phosphorus agents of Generoca’s current lubricating oil; which also act as Anti-Wear and Anti-Oxidants, NanoLub® AC-1000 AW/AF additive’s dispersion characteristics were able to suspend dirt and other containments such as Silicon to prevent any additional clinging to internal metals which when not constantly maintained could form a sludge-like build up. Simultaneously, Generoca also found our additive increased TBN to counter act the acids which cause oxidation and showed less corrosion characteristics.
Our NanoLub® AC-1000 AW/AF additive directly contributed to over $18,000 in additional monthly energy and profit. With these results Generoca is estimating they will have close to $221,000 in additional energy and profit by the end of the year just by adding NanoLub® to one of their diesel engines.
To learn more about the field test please visit here.
Contact an NIS team member today to find out our additives can start saving you money.
Tim Walsh, NanoMaterials Ltd.,, +1 7323130020 Ext: 219, [email protected]
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