Nitin Chhoda Shares His Latest Marketing Checklist for Increasing Visibility and Attracting New Patients
Denville, NJ (PRWEB) October 25, 2013 -- “Without clients you have no practice. You have to make your business known to attract patients,” said Chhoda. “As long as you own your clinic, you’ll never stop marketing. It’s an ongoing process that begins the moment you open your own facility. About 90 percent of your efforts will be directed toward marketing at first and a physical therapy marketing plan will sell your business to patients.”
About 90 percent of a clinician’s efforts will go toward introducing the clinic to the local area. Chhoda added that as therapists gain patients and learn what marketing techniques work best, that effort ratio will be reduced but it will never end. He said clinicians should be realistic when creating their marketing plan and it should include the following information.
• Select a target market for the available products, treatments and services;
• Services that will be offered;
• Determine the niche the clinic will fill for future branding and brand awareness;
• Decide the type of marketing techniques to be used, including media ads, trade shows, Internet or direct marketing. Determine a budget the clinic can afford and examine outsourcing possibilities. Having an integrated physical therapy software can help ascertain where your business is good at;
• Examine the competition and ascertain why patients should choose the clinic over others;
• Ascertain the price that will be placed on various services and products;
• Establish marketing goals that can be based on obtaining a specific number of new patients each week or a monetary amount;
• Create a logo for use on all marketing materials that potential patients will learn to equate with the clinic.
• Monitor results closely to determine the success of each marketing technique used. Some strategies will work better than others and will rely on many factors, such as client age, along with the needs and desires of the local population.
Having a physical therapy practice is having a business and must be marketed the same as any other. Chhoda’s new information provides clinicians with the essential elements they must address to attract new patients and retain established clients. Utilizing Chhoda’s checklist, therapists have the keys to increase their visibility and build their brand.
Chhoda’s office can be reached by phone at 201-535-4475. For more information, visit the website at
About Nitin Chhoda
Nitin Chhoda PT, DPT is a licensed physical therapist, a certified strength and conditioning specialist and an entrepreneur. He is the author of "Physical Therapy Marketing For The New Economy" and "Marketing for Physical Therapy Clinics" and is a prolific speaker, writer and creator of products and systems to streamline medical billing and coding, electronic medical records, health care practice management and marketing to increase referrals. He has been featured in numerous industry magazines, major radio and broadcast media, and is the founder of Referral Ignition training systems and the annual Private Practice Summit. Chhoda speaks extensively throughout the U.S., Canada and Asia. He is also the creator of the Therapy Newsletter and Clinical Contact, both web-based services to help private practices improve communication with patients, delivery better quality of care and boost patient retention.
Nitin Chhoda, EMR News,, +1 (201) 535-4475, [email protected]
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