No Gamble Here! The OARSI World Congress is a Must-Attend for Osteoarthritis Professionals
MOUNT LAUREL, NJ (PRWEB) April 13, 2017 -- The Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) will host the 2017 World Congress on Osteoarthritis, April 27 – 30 at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. The annual OARSI Congress is a global forum for those involved in OA research and treatment from academia and industry. The meeting features international speakers presenting the latest information on a wide range of topics related to joint damage and OA.
More than 1,100 of the world's leading scientists, clinicians, clinical investigators, rheumatologists, orthopedists, radiologists and others interested in osteoarthritis research are expected to attend this broad-based global forum presented annually by OARSI.
“The World Congress brings together professionals across all disciplines to learn about new technologies and research in the OA field,” said Dr. Tonia Vincent, Congress Program Chair and OARSI Board Member. “The program committee has worked tirelessly to develop a program that will allow attendees the opportunity to learn and network with some of the best and most informed professionals in the industry.”
This 2017 World Congress program features plenary sessions, concurrent sessions, breakfast workshops and more oral presentations of abstracts than any Congress before it. Attendees may receive Continuing Medical Education credits by registering and attending sessions. Back by popular demand, there will be a debate held on Saturday, April 29 titled, Is Exercise Good or Bad for OA?! Dr. Stephen Messier is well-known for his work on the effects of exercise and weight loss on gait, strength, function, and pain in knee OA and will highlight the benefits of exercise in patients with OA. Dr. Nigel Arden, MBBS, FRCP, MSc, is an International Leader in epidemiology, predictive modelling and trial design and will focus on the negative effects of exercise for those with OA.
OARSI 2017 Congress Opening Ceremony, Award Presentations and Keynote Address:
• Opening Ceremony and Award Presentations: Thursday, April 27, 2017 - 5:45pm to 7:00pm PT
o Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient: Stefan Lohmander
o Basic Science Award Recipient: Francisco Blanco, "Osteoarthritis, From the Chondrocyte to the Mitochondria"
o Clinical Science Award Recipient: Frances Berenbaum,"Inflammation in Osteoarthritis: Why Does OA Occur in Non-weight Bearing Joints?"
• Keynote Address: Thursday, April 27, 2017 - 7:00pm to 7:30pm PT
o Lindsay Hall BSc, PhD, All You Need to Know About the Microbiome! - Discover the critical role your gut and its resident microbes play in host well-being. Dr Lindsay Hall from the Institute of Food Research will talk through the role of the microbiota, including detection methodologies, bacterial biology and how the microbiota controls different physiological functions such as immune system development.
New features at this year’s Congress include:
• Inaugural Clinical Trials Course
o The goal of this new course is to equip investigators and industry sponsors to understand the complexities of running patient-oriented randomized clinical trials in osteoarthritis.
• Three Pre-Congress workshops on OA Prevention, Pain and Imaging
• Breakfast Poster Tours
• Social Media Savvy Young Investigator Session
Programming for Young Investigators:
OARSI offers an interactive forum designed for young investigators to meet leaders in OA research to seek career and research advice. Various programs throughout the Congress link young investigators with someone working within their field of interest.
For more information or to obtain a press pass for any of the offered sessions or abstracts visit Opportunities to sponsor the OARSI 2017 Congress are also available.
About OARSI: OARSI is the premier international organization for scientists and health care professional focused on the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis through the promotion and presentation of research, education and the worldwide dissemination of new knowledge. For more information on the 2017 World Congress on Osteoarthritis and a complete schedule of events visit
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Lauren Schoener-Gaynor, OARSI,, +1 (856) 380-6878, [email protected]
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